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Catalogue of Life (CoL) Downloads

The entire CoL in its latest version can be downloaded from in ColDP Archive. Darwin Core Archive, ACEF Archive, or TextTree format. CoL-ChecklistBank also offers partial downloads (in various formats, with DOI), this requires a free GBIF user account.

World Flora Online (WFO) Plant List Downloads

Downloads of WFO-Data are available for the published versions (currently 6-monthly updates, published via ZENODO, with DOI). The current version can be found under If there is a later version available, this will be indicated at the top of the page.
The following formats are available (example for the December 2022 version):

  • The Catalogue of Life Data Package of the WFO Plant List. This is the most expressive standards based form of the list.
  • JSON formatted version of the WFO Plant List. This has been designed for direct import into a schemaless instance of a SOLR index and is used to drive the WFO Plant List API ( which in turn drives the WFO Plant List in the portal. This is recommended if you want a local, read only version of the list rather than use the API.
  • plant_list_2022-12.sql.gz This is the complete production database (minus logging data and API keys) as a MySQL backup file. It can be restored directly to a MySQL 5.7 or later instance if you require the list in SQL format.
  • ipni_to_wfo.csv.gz A file mapping all the IPNI IDs we track to their associated WFO IDs.
  • families_dwc.tar.gz Individual Darwin Core Archive files for each of 718 recognized families. If you want a single family in DwC but can't load the whole list download and expand this file. Family and genus files are also available for download through the portal.
  • A single Darwin Core Archive file containing non deprecated names and taxa for use in the existing R package.
  • A single Darwin Core Archive file containing all names and taxa even those that are deprecated along with some extra columns

Weekly updated DwC-Archive files for all families and for the are available at