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Application name: QuickStatements

Consumer version: 1.0.1

Publisher: DavidFichtmueller

Status: approved

Description: for mass import of BDIdata Statements

Applicable project: All projects on this site

OAuth "callback URL":

Allow consumer to specify a callback in requests and use "callback" URL above as a required prefix.: 0

Applicable grants:

  • Perform high volume activity
High-volume editing
  • Interact with pages
Create, edit, and move pages

OAuth consumer log

  • 15:02, 26 June 2018 DavidFichtmueller approved an OAuth consumer by User:DavidFichtmueller (consumer key d307cdd74beec1a7f15faf4a1b045300) (useful tool)
  • 15:01, 26 June 2018 DavidFichtmueller proposed an OAuth consumer (consumer key d307cdd74beec1a7f15faf4a1b045300) (for mass import of BDIdata Statements)