BDI Data:Test Wiki

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This page holds information that is also stored on the internal test wiki. As the test wiki can quickly be reset, not important information should be stored (only) there.

Main Page

A local test installation of Wikibase. This is not meant to store data, as it may be reset at any time without notice.

Useful Links

Special Prefixes for the Query Service

 PREFIX wbdata: <>
 PREFIX wb: <http://wikibase.svc/entity/>
 PREFIX wbt: <http://wikibase.svc/prop/direct/>
 PREFIX wbtn: <http://http://wikibase.svc/prop/direct-normalized/>
 PREFIX wbs: <http://wikibase.svc/entity/statement/>
 PREFIX wbp: <http://wikibase.svc/prop/>
 PREFIX wbref: <http://wikibase.svc/reference/>
 PREFIX wbv: <http://wikibase.svc/value/>
 PREFIX wbps: <http://wikibase.svc/prop/statement/>
 PREFIX wbpsv: <http://wikibase.svc/prop/statement/value/>
 PREFIX wbpsn: <http://wikibase.svc/prop/statement/value-normalized/>
 PREFIX wbpq: <http://wikibase.svc/prop/qualifier/>
 PREFIX wbpqv: <http://wikibase.svc/prop/qualifier/value/>
 PREFIX wbpqn: <http://wikibase.svc/prop/qualifier/value-normalized/>
 PREFIX wbpr: <http://wikibase.svc/prop/reference/>
 PREFIX wbprv: <http://wikibase.svc/prop/reference/value/>
 PREFIX wbprn: <http://wikibase.svc/prop/reference/value-normalized/>
 PREFIX wbno: <http://wikibase.svc/prop/novalue/>