GGBN specific configuration
From GGBN Portal Software
Revision as of 17:06, 9 February 2016 by GabiDroege (talk | contribs) (→GGBN specific configuration)
- Several views are required for the counts-box on start page.
CREATE ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED DEFINER = `root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `counts` AS select count(`ro`.`occurrenceid`) AS `counts`, 'DNA' AS `kind` from (`ggbn_index`.`rawoccurrence` `ro` join `ggbn_index`.`unitkind` `uk` ON ((`ro`.`fk_kindofunitid` = `uk`.`unitkindid`))) where (`uk`.`kindofunit_clean` = 'DNA') union select count(`ro`.`occurrenceid`) AS `counts`, 'Tissues' AS `kind` from (`ggbn_index`.`rawoccurrence` `ro` join `ggbn_index`.`unitkind` `uk` ON ((`ro`.`fk_kindofunitid` = `uk`.`unitkindid`))) where (`uk`.`kindofunit_clean` = 'tissue') union select count(`ro`.`occurrenceid`) AS `counts`, 'Cultures' AS `kind` from (`ggbn_index`.`rawoccurrence` `ro` join `ggbn_index`.`unitkind` `uk` ON ((`ro`.`fk_kindofunitid` = `uk`.`unitkindid`))) where (`uk`.`kindofunit_clean` = 'Culture') union select count(`ro`.`occurrenceid`) AS `counts`, 'eVouchers' AS `kind` from (`ggbn_index`.`rawoccurrence` `ro` join `ggbn_index`.`unitkind` `uk` ON ((`ro`.`fk_kindofunitid` = `uk`.`unitkindid`))) where (`uk`.`kindofunit_clean` = 'eVoucher') union select count(`ro`.`occurrenceid`) AS `counts`, 'Specimens' AS `kind` from (`ggbn_index`.`rawoccurrence` `ro` join `ggbn_index`.`unitkind` `uk` ON ((`ro`.`fk_kindofunitid` = `uk`.`unitkindid`))) where (`uk`.`kindofunit_clean` = 'specimen') union select count(`ro`.`occurrenceid`) AS `counts`, 'Unknown' AS `kind` from (`ggbn_index`.`rawoccurrence` `ro` join `ggbn_index`.`unitkind` `uk` ON ((`ro`.`fk_kindofunitid` = `uk`.`unitkindid`))) where (`uk`.`kindofunit_clean` = 'unknown') union select count(`ro`.`occurrenceid`) AS `counts`, 'Enviros' AS `kind` from (`ggbn_index`.`rawoccurrence` `ro` join `ggbn_index`.`unitkind` `uk` ON ((`ro`.`fk_kindofunitid` = `uk`.`unitkindid`))) where (`uk`.`kindofunit_clean` = 'environmental sample') union select count(`grouped_fullscientificname`.`fullscientificname`) AS `counts`, 'Taxa' AS `kind` from `ggbn_index`.`grouped_fullscientificname` union select count(distinct `families_view`.`family`) AS `counts`, 'Families' AS `kind` from `ggbn_index`.`families_view` union select count(distinct `genera_view`.`genus`) AS `counts`, 'Genera' AS `kind` from `ggbn_index`.`genera_view` union select count(distinct `species_view`.`species`) AS `counts`, 'Species' AS `kind` from `ggbn_index`.`species_view`
CREATE ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED DEFINER = `root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `families_view` AS select distinct `f`.`family` AS `family` from ((`backbone`.`family` `f` join `backbone`.`name` `n` ON ((`f`.`familykey` = `n`.`familyKey`))) join `ggbn_index`.`identification` `i` ON ((`i`.`gbifKey` = `n`.`acceptedKey`))) union select distinct `f`.`family` AS `family` from ((`backbone_col`.`family` `f` join `backbone_col`.`name` `n` ON ((`f`.`familykey` = `n`.`familyKey`))) join `ggbn_index`.`identification` `i` ON ((`i`.`colKey` = `n`.`acceptedKey`))) union select distinct `f`.`family` AS `family` from ((`backbone_ncbi`.`family` `f` join `backbone_ncbi`.`name` `n` ON ((`f`.`familykey` = `n`.`familyKey`))) join `ggbn_index`.`identification` `i` ON ((`i`.`ncbiKey` = `n`.`acceptedKey`)))
CREATE ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED DEFINER = `root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `genera_view` AS select distinct `f`.`genus` AS `genus` from ((`backbone`.`genus` `f` join `backbone`.`name` `n` ON ((`f`.`genuskey` = `n`.`genusKey`))) join `ggbn_index`.`identification` `i` ON ((`i`.`gbifKey` = `n`.`acceptedKey`))) union select distinct `f`.`genus` AS `genus` from ((`backbone_col`.`genus` `f` join `backbone_col`.`name` `n` ON ((`f`.`genuskey` = `n`.`genusKey`))) join `ggbn_index`.`identification` `i` ON ((`i`.`colKey` = `n`.`acceptedKey`))) union select distinct `f`.`genus` AS `genus` from ((`backbone_ncbi`.`genus` `f` join `backbone_ncbi`.`name` `n` ON ((`f`.`genuskey` = `n`.`genusKey`))) join `ggbn_index`.`identification` `i` ON ((`i`.`ncbiKey` = `n`.`acceptedKey`)))
CREATE ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED DEFINER = `root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `grouped_fullscientificname` AS select `identification`.`fullScientificName` AS `fullscientificname` from `identification` group by `identification`.`fullScientificName`
CREATE ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED DEFINER = `root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `species_view` AS select distinct `n2`.`canonicalName` AS `species` from ((`backbone`.`name` `n` join `backbone`.`name` `n2` ON ((`n`.`acceptedKey` = `n2`.`namekey`))) join `ggbn_index`.`identification` `i` ON ((`i`.`gbifKey` = `n`.`acceptedKey`))) where ((`n`.`rank` = 'SPECIES') and (`n2`.`rank` = 'SPECIES')) union select distinct `n2`.`canonicalName` AS `species` from ((`backbone_col`.`name` `n` join `backbone_col`.`name` `n2` ON ((`n`.`acceptedKey` = `n2`.`namekey`))) join `ggbn_index`.`identification` `i` ON ((`i`.`colKey` = `n`.`acceptedKey`))) where ((`n`.`rank` = 'SPECIES') and (`n2`.`rank` = 'SPECIES')) union select distinct `n2`.`canonicalName` AS `species` from ((`backbone_ncbi`.`name` `n` join `backbone_ncbi`.`name` `n2` ON ((`n`.`acceptedKey` = `n2`.`namekey`))) join `ggbn_index`.`identification` `i` ON ((`i`.`ncbiKey` = `n`.`acceptedKey`))) where ((`n`.`rank` = 'SPECIES') and (`n2`.`rank` = 'SPECIES'))
- The institution has to be filled in bio_datasource (city and institution, for the harvester_factoy like '%Harvester%') - but first the datasource has to be added (metadata update). It will be used for the repository/registry field in the GGBN portal.
- The parentInstitution table is used for the contacts and must be filled manually.
- The GGBN registry is based on the NCD software and requires an additional database connection in the config file. Contact us for more information.
- For user management (login/shopping), a few extra tables are required. Follow the instructions from the file common/controllers/CommonPermissionController.php to create and populate them if you do not already have them from the SQL-Dump. You will also need an extra view for the statistics:
CREATE ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED DEFINER = `root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `shopping_view` AS select distinct `oc`.`fk_tripleidstoreid` AS `tripleidstoreid`, `bs`.`id` AS `data_source_id`, `pit`.`parentInstitutionID` AS `parentInstitutionID`, `pit`.`institutionShort` AS `institutionShort`, `pit`.`logoURL` AS `logoURL` from ((`bio_datasource` `bs` join `occurrence` `oc` ON ((`bs`.`id` = `oc`.`fk_datasourceid`))) join `parentInstitution` `pit` ON ((`bs`.`fk_parentInstitutionid` = `pit`.`parentInstitutionID`)))