Question and Answer

From BGBM Collection Workflows
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1 I am planning a field excursion what needs to be considered?

  1. Check BGBM policies
  2. Be aware that BGBM requires necessary documentation (permits for collecting, export and import of biological material, Memorandum of Understanding )
  3. Contact herbarium administration (specimens, tissue, DNA, algae samples) or seed bank management (seeds, living plants) to get the PRN (Permit Registration Number). Keep in mind, that EVERY field excursion requires a PRN, even there is no permit needed (e.g. Germany outside protected areas).
  4. Download Collection Data Form (CDF) and enter PRN
  5. If you are planning to collect tissue samples contact the DNA Bank to get tissue barcodes BEFORE your excursion starts

2 I am bringing herbar material to the BGBM. Whom shall I contact?

Please contact Katharina Rabe (Herbarium Administration) or Robert Vogt (Curator, Herbarium)

3 I am bringing DNA tissues to the BGBM. Whom shall I contact?

Please contact Gabi Droege (DNA Bank)

4 I am bringing living material to the BGBM. Whom shall I contact?

Please contact Thomas Dürbye (seed bank manager)

5 I entered collection data in the BGBM standard EXCEL form. Whom shall I contact for imports into the BGBM information systems?

Please contact Frank Specht (Programmer, internal research system) or Dominik Röpert (Coordinator Internal Information Systems).

6 I am unsure about BGBM data standards to be used in the standard EXCEL form. Where can I ask?

The BGBM EXCEL form for collection data (find more infos here) follows the TDWG Biodiversity Information Standard ABCD. The Excel form contains a data sheet with the documentation of relevant elements. If you are still unsure about the interpretation of individual elements and standards used at the BGBM, please contact the BGBM BDI team for advice.

7 How can I query the BGBM collection information systems?

The BGBM provides a number of query interfaces giving access to the internal collection information systems. Please note that some of the interfaces can only be used from within the BGBM intranet.

If you have special requirements for queries that are not supported by the standard interfaces, please contact Frank Specht (Programmer, internal research system), Dominik Röpert (Coordinator Internal Information Systems) or Gabi Droege (DNA Bank).