
From BioCASe Provider Software
Revision as of 10:48, 12 September 2016 by JoergHoletschek (talk | contribs)
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This page lists the most commonly used ABCD 2.06 concepts. The ABCD documentation can be found in the ABCD Wiki, a tabular list of ABCD concepts here.


List of mandatory concepts. Without them being mapped the Provider Software will not be able to create valid ABCD document:

 └─ DataSet
     ├─ ContentContacts
     │   └─ ContentContact
     │       └─ Name
     ├─ TechnicalContacts
     │   └─ TechnicalContact
     │       └─ Name
     ├─ Metadata
     │   ├─ Description
     │   │   └─ Representation
     │   │       ├─ @language
     │   │       └─ Title
     │   └─ RevisionData
     │       └─ DateModified
     └─ Units
         └─ Unit
             ├─ SourceInstitutionID 
             ├─ SourceID  
             └─ UnitID

Highly Recommended

List of recommended ABCD concepts. If you can provide this data, please do so, they're commonly used entry points to your data.

Note: If you publish your data to GBIF, you are required to specify a license in the License node with the language attribute and the elements Text and URI. The latter should contain a link to a well-defined license, for example More details on GBIF licensing can be found here.

 └─ DataSet
     ├─ ContentContacts
     │   └─ ContentContact
     │       ├─ Email
     │       └─ Address
     ├─ TechnicalContacts
     │   └─ TechnicalContact
     │       ├─ Email
     │       └─ Address
     ├─ Metadata
     │   ├─ Description
     │   │   └─ Representation
     │   │       └─ Details
     │   ├─ Owners
     │   │   └─ Owner
     │   │       ├─ LogoURI
     │   │       ├─ URIs
     │   │       │   └─ URL
     │   │       ├─ Person
     │   │       │   └─ FullName
     │   │       └─ Organisation
     │   │           └─ Name
     │   │               └─ Representation
     │   │                   └─ Text
     │   └─ IPRStatements
     │       └─ Licenses
     │           └─ License
     │               ├─ @language
     │               ├─ Text
     │               └─ URI 
     └─ Units
         └─ Unit
             ├─ Identifications
             │   └─ Identification
             │       └─ Result
             │           ├─ @PreferredFlag
             │           ├─ TaxonIdentified
             │           │   └─ ScientificName
             │           │       └─ FullScientificNameString
             │           └─ HigherTaxa
             │               └─ HigherTaxon
             │                   ├─ HigherTaxonName
             │                   └─ HigherTaxonRank
             ├─ RecordBasis
             └─ Gathering
                 ├─ DateTime
                 │   └─ ISODateTimeBegin
                 ├─ Agents
                 │   └─ GatheringAgent
                 │       └─ Person
                 │           └─ FullName
                 ├─ LocalityText
                 ├─ Country
                 │   ├─ ISO3166Code
                 │   └─ Name
                 └─ SiteCoordinateSets
                     └─ SiteCoordinates
                         └─ CoordinatesLatLong
                             ├─ LongitudeDecimal
                             ├─ LatitudeDecimal 
                             └─ CoordinateErrorDistanceInMeters 

Commonly Used

List of further commonly mapped ABCD concepts.

 └─ DataSet
     ├─ Metadata
     │   └─ IPRStatements
     │       ├─ TermsOfUseStatements
     │       │   └─ TermsOfUse
     │       │       └─ Text
     │       ├─ Copyrights
     │       │   └─ Copyright
     │       │       └─ Text
     │       ├─ IPRDeclarations
     │       │   └─ IPRDeclaration
     │       │       └─ Text
     │       ├─ Licenses
     │       │   └─ License
     │       │       └─ Text
     │       ├─ Disclaimers
     │       │   └─ Disclaimer
     │       │       └─ Text
     │       ├─ Citations
     │       │   └─ Citation
     │       │       └─ Text
     │       └─ Acknowledgements
     │           └─ Acknowledgement
     │               └─ Text
     └─ Units
         └─ Unit
             ├─ DateLastEdited
             ├─ Identifications
             │   └─ Identification
             │       ├─ Date
             │       │   └─ ISODateTimeBegin
             │       └─ Identifiers
             │           └─ Identifier
             │               └─ IdentifierPersonName
             │                    └─ FullName
             ├─ KindOfUnit
             ├─ CollectorsFieldNumber
             ├─ Sex 
             ├─ Age 
             ├─ Notes 
             ├─ RecordURI
             ├─ MultiMediaObjects
             │   └─ MultiMediaObject
             │       ├─ FileURI 
             │       ├─ Comment
             │       └─ Context
             ├─ SpecimenUnit
             │   └─ NomenclaturalTypeDesignations
             │       └─ NomenclaturalTypeDesignation
             │           ├─ TypeStatus
             │           ├─ TypifiedName
             │           │   └─ FullScientificNameString
             │           └─ NomenclaturalReference
             │               ├─ TitleCitation
             │               └─ CitationDetail
             └─ Gathering
                 ├─ Project
                 │   └─ ProjectTitle
                 ├─ Biotope
                 │   └─ Name
                 ├─ Altitude
                 │   └─ MeasurementOrFactAtomised
                 │       ├─ LowerValue 
                 │       └─ UnitOfMeasurement 
                 ├─ Depth
                 │   └─ MeasurementOrFactAtomised
                 │       ├─ LowerValue 
                 │       └─ UnitOfMeasurement 
                 └─ NamedAreas
                     └─ NamedArea
                         ├─ AreaName 
                         └─ AreaClass