Data upload to rebind framework
The figures below show a step-by-step guide to the process of uploading data to the reBiND portal. Once these steps are completed the user can continue to the the validation and automated correction steps.
The homepage of the reBiND portal has links to the published data-sets and to further information on the project web-site. In figure 1 below the left-hand margin shows the login form. Login is required in order to submit data to the reBiND system. For inromation on how to set up user accounts for login see this page.
After logging into the reBiND portal the user is presented with a left-hand side panel which lists the 'Unpublished' and 'Published' projects. An icon 'Create Project' which is used to create a new unpublished project to which XML files and other data can be imported. In the screenshot below the unpublished project 'ClemensHBG' has been slected and the summary of the files associated with this project can be seen in the right-hand panel. Below this are icons to upload further data.