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(24 August 2018-Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County joins GGBN)
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=24 August 2018-Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County joins GGBN=
==September 5 2024 Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales joins GGBN! ==
We are proud to announce that {https://nhm.org/site/ the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County] has joined GGBN as its 77th member.  As part of the GGBN-GGI 2018 awards program and The Diversity Initiative for the Southern California Ocean program of the Natural
History Museum of Los Angeles County, the project will focus on a regionally comprehensive collection of marine macroinvertebrates, adding genetic samples from 371 families and 515 genera to the GGBN data portal.
We are pleased to announce Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN) has joined GGBN! Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales is located in Madrid, Spain.
=23 August 2018-Southern China DNA Barcoding Center, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences joins GGBN=
We are proud to announce that the Southern China DNA Barcoding Center, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SCDBC) has joined GGBN as its 76th member. As part of the GGBN-GGI 2018 awards program, the project will add at least 25,000 DNA samples from countries across Asia to the GGBN data portal by September 2019. The Southern China DNA Barcoding Center (SCDBC) is the only Central Node of the International Barcode of Life (iBOL) in Asia and provides sequencing, bioinformatics, and biorepository training to researchers across the region.
==April 30 2024 GGBN and ERGA Webinar Series on Science Policy for Biodiversity Research on Youtube==
Both parts of the GGBN, the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) and the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP) series focused on ABS - Nagoya Protocol and DSI are now uploaded on YouTube! Check it out [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4qmCfIUT9K-cgswMIZdd89p3ZUhol-OH here]!
=20 August 2018-Job Announcement: Cryo-Collections Manager / Research Specialist Senior=
The Arizona State University (ASU) School of Life Sciences and Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center (BioKIC) are seeking a Cryo-Collections Manager for the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Biorepository. NEON (https://www.neonscience.org/) is a continental-scale ecological observation facility, sponsored by the National Science Foundation and operated by Battelle. The project is expected to run for 30 years. For each project year, the NEON Biorepository at ASU will receive, process, store, and make available an average of 100,000 biodiversity occurrences sampled at more than 80 sites across the United States. The diverse samples include DNA extractions, frozen soil samples, bulk and pinned insect collections, herbarium vouchers, and partial or entire vertebrate specimens, among others. Large portions of
==March 25 2024 GGBN and ERGA Hosts a Webinar Series on Science Policy for Biodiversity Research ==
samples are designated for cryo-storage - using a combination of ultralow and liquid nitrogen (LN2) freezers - to ensure long-term preservation and
suitability for molecular/genomic research. A high rate of sample use for NEON-related research projects is expected. The NEON Biorepository will
facilitate this by creating a data portal to support occurrence discovery,tracking of sample transactions, integration of collections data and usage
statistics, and by maintaining or linking to high-quality biodiversity and molecular data, in compliance with international standards. The
cryo-collections manager will play a central role in coordinating these tasks, with particular focus on designing and maintaining the
molecular/genomic collections.
Envisioned start date: November 1st, 2018.
We're happy to announce that GGBN and European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) with the support of Digital Sequence Information (DSI) network are organizing a two-part webinar series focused on ABS (Access and Benefit Sharing), the Nagoya Protocol and DSI this April. Join us by filling the registration form [https://www.cognitoforms.com/ERGAEuropeanReferenceGenomeAtlas/APrimerOnSciencePolicyForBiodiversityResearchWebinarSeries here]! Spots are limited.
For more position details and instruction to apply,
1. Go to: https://cfo.asu.edu/applicant
==February 1 2024 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences joins GGBN! ==
2. Click on "External Staff", and
3. Search for "44719BR".
=17 August 2018-CORBIDI's genetic collections now discoverable on GGBN=
We are pleased to announce the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) has joined GGBN! Located in Brussels, Belgium, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences has 6,000 DNA samples, 6,500 tissue samples, and 38,000 specimens in their collections.
As part of the GGBN-GGI 2017 awards program, we are happy to announce that CORBIDI is now providing data on 9,000 tissue samples of Amphibia and Reptiles from South America, adding a total of 105 new genera to GGBN online collections.  Please visit [http://www.ggbn.org/ggbn_portal/stats/details?registry=CORBIDI%2C+Lima GGBN's statistics page on CORBIDI] for more information on these collections or [http://www.ggbn.org/ggbn_portal/search/result?institution=CORBIDI%2C+Lima search] for samples directly.
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==January 4 2024 2023 SYNTHESYS Biobanking Handbooks are Now Available! ==
=13 August 2018-Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources,Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology joins GGBN=
The fourth (and last) publication of the GGBN-led SYNTHESYS+ work package NA3: "Molecular collections in the age of genomics – standards &
processes" has been released! They are now posted to the GGBN Document Library. Click [https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/Ijs5AFkCSFquS7vZW96KMg here] to take a look!
We are proud to announce that the [http://www.iebr.ac.vn/pages/eiebr.asp Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources (IEBR),Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)] has joined GGBN as its 75th member. IEBR's genetic collections include 5,000 DNA and 3,000 tissue samples from 1,000 botanic and zoological species. 
==January 4 2024 2023 GGBN Report Now Available! ==
[[File:IEBR logo.jpg|center|200px]]
We are excited to announce that the GGBN December 2023 Report is now available! This report highlights GGBN contributions, conferences, online discoverability and more from the past year. Head to the [https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/YKaykzh2QD-q2yByCgMJqw GGBN Document Library] to take a look!
=06 August 2018- Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research joins GGBN=
==December 7 2023 Tissue Samples Made Discoverable Through GGBN==
We are proud to announce that Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research has joined GGBN as its 74th member. As part of the GGBN-GGI 2018 awards program, the project will focus on the important endemic [https://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/resources/collections/nzac New Zealand Arthropod Collection (NZAC)], adding at least 5165 samples of New Zealand beetles to the GGBN data portal by September 2019.  
We are excited to announce the organizations who provided data for the first time in 2023: CMN, Ottawa, Canadian Museum of Nature, INRAE, Paris, National Institute of Research for Agriculture, Food and Environment, HNT, San Marino, The Huntington, and UNAL, Bogota, Universidad Nacional de Colombia / National University of Colombia.
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=30 July 2018-GGBN 2018 Post-Conference Report now available=
==December 6 2023 National Herbarium of Rwanda, University of Rwanda joins GGBN ==
The [https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/-59WSc0dQgS1dOTamcSLkw GGBN 2018 Conference report] is now available through GGBN's document library.
We are happy to announce that the National Herbarium of Rwanda[https://herbariumrwanda.ur.ac.rw/] at the University of Rwanda has joined GGBN. Collections include 50 eDNA and 20,000+ tissue samples representing plants, terrestrial invertebrates, and vertebrates. Samples are managed with Symbiota and Excel.
=30 July 2018-GGBN-GGI Awards Program 2018 Recipients=
[[File:Herbarium of Rwanda.png|center|350px]]
We are happy to announce the results of the GGBN-GGI 2018 Awards Program. A total of 11 highly competitive proposals representing 11 institutions in 9 countries were received and ranked by a peer review committee representative of biodiversity biobanks.  Total requests for funding was over $300,000 USD.  The peer review committee ranked the 11 proposals based on seven criteria, including 1) complementarity to existing collections on GGBN; 2) the size, scope and quality of the collection; 3) genomic novelty of the collection; 4) adherence to GGBN best practices; 5) the efficiency or cost-effectiveness of the proposal; 6) contribution to the GGBN community; and 7) the timeline of completion.  Unfortunately, only the top proposals were funded due to availability of funds. Awardees will be contributing new genetic samples to the GGBN data portal by September 2019.
==The GGBN 2023 International Conference Presentations are Available to Watch on YouTube==
GGBN-GGI 2018 Awardees include:
The 2023 GGBN International Conference presentations are now available to watch on our YouTube page [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfOFuKPmJMQ&list=PLxCMSf8YBiw8RZX6q-_cs-y0nM103_-Is here]! Check out some of the amazing talks from the conference!
• Denver Museum of Nature and Science/Arctos Consortium/United States
• Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County/United States
• Hungarian Natural History Museum/Hungary
• Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences/China
• New Zealand Arthropod Collection, Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research/New Zealand
• Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden DNA Bank/Brazil
• Biodiversity Education and Resource Centre, Abuja/Nigeria (pending)
• Vietnam National Museum of Nature/Vietnam (pending)
The titles and abstracts of these successful proposals can be found on the GGBN [ http://wiki.ggbn.org/ggbn/Global_Genome_Biodiversity_Network-Global_Genome_Initiative_Awards_Program website's awards program page], along with general award program information.
==November 06 2023 GGBN 2023 GGBN Announces 2025 Conference Host==
We are happy to announce the South African National Biodiversity Institute and Biodiversity Biobanks South Africa as the host for the 2025 GGBN Conference in Cape Town, South Africa! Learn more about the institute [https://www.sanbi.org/ here]
Congratulations everyone!
[[File:Large SANBI Logo new.jpg|center|350px]]
==October 16 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference Program Available Now==
=24 July 2018-FIOCRUZ joins GGBN=
The 2023 GGBN International Conference program is now available to view [https://ggbn2023.weebly.com/conference-program.html here]! Click to see presentation details, recommendations to do during your stay in Aguascalientes (if in person) and more.
We are proud to announce that the [https://portal.fiocruz.br/en Fundação Oswaldo Cruz]/Brazil (FIOCRUZ) has joined GGBN as its 73rd member.  Biological collections at FIOCRUZ include microbial, zoological, botanical and histopathological collections. Specimens within these collections include archaea, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths, arthropods, mollusks of medical and environmental importance, human and animal histopathological, as well as dried and pressed samples of medicinal plants. For a complete list of FIOCRUZ biological collections, see https://portal.fiocruz.br/en/biological-collections
==September 7 2023 Hybrid Registration for 2023 GGBN International Conference Available Now==
The 2023 GGBN International Conference will now be hybrid for those who want to join via Zoom! Virtual participants can register for $50 on [https://www.etix.com/ticket/c/417BD8523BDDF67177ECE60A52B3A32E/hybrid-participation Etix]. There is also still time to register for those who want to attend the conference in person! Click [https://ggbn2023.weebly.com/registration--abstract-submission.html HERE] to register.
=17 July 2018-Natural History Museum's insect pollinators collection now discoverable on GGBN=
==August 11 2023 NEON Biorepository, Arizona State University joins GGBN==
The Natural History Museum in London has made available 43,593 frozen specimens of pollinators from the United Kingdom available through GGBN, adding five new families and 68 new genera to GGBN's online collections.
We are pleased to announce the [https://biorepo.neonscience.org/portal/ NEON Biorepository, Arizona State University] has joined GGBN. Located in Tempe, Arizona, the NEON Biorepository has 31,358 DNA samples, 43,814 tissue samples, and 104,564 environmental samples.
[https://nerc.ukri.org/research/funded/programmes/pollinators/ The Insect Pollinators Initiative] (2010-2015) was a £10 million joint initiative supported by the Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), NERC, the Welcome Trust and the Scottish Government, under the Living With Environmental Change (LWEC) partnership. It supported projects aimed at researching the causes and consequences of threats to insect pollinators and to inform the development of appropriate mitigation strategies to reverse the declines.
The objective of the Insect Pollinators Initiative was to promote innovative research aimed at understanding and mitigating the biological and environmental factors that adversely affect insect pollinators. Its key aims were:
•        To provide an evidence base to inform the conservation of wild insect pollinators and to improve the husbandry of managed species, in order to avoid the potentially catastrophic loss of the ecosystem services they provide.
•        To provide a basis for reducing current declines and sustaining healthy and diverse populations of pollinating insects for the future.
The IPI’s 9 x research projects generated >45,000 insect pollinator specimens, still holding valuable information and genetic resources after the initiative was complete in 2015. BBSRC then awarded funds to Edinburgh University and the Natural History Museum (NHM) London to salvage these resources and archive the collection in -80 freezers at the NHM, to continue to be discoverable and accessible to future researchers. A total of 43,593 specimens and their metadata were aggregated to form the UK IPI Archive, uploaded to NHM’s Data Portal in 2017 and now published on GGBN.
==August 07 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference: Abstract Submissions and General Registration Close August 31st==
=10 July 2018-ABS workshop report on tracking information on use of genetic material now available=
We are still accepting abstracts for the upcoming GGBN International Conference on Biodiversity Biobanking, taking place 17-20 October 2023 in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Please see the latest conference announcement attached for session details.
In an effort to provide the GGBN community with additional guidance on meeting the requirements of the Nagoya Protocol, this workshop focused on the need for GGBN collections to track information on use of genetic material. Example workflows were provided by natural history, botanical, and culture collections. This workshop was held on May 25 at the GGBN 2018 Conference in Vienna Austria. The [https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/EhZdr4qFQsiP3vpf_EhI7w report] may be accessed through GGBN's document library.  
Important deadlines:
General registration closes August 31st, late registration is open from September 1-October 1.
The last day to submit your abstracts is August 31st.  
=09 July 2018-The African Centre for DNA Barcoding makes DNA collection discoverable=
Please submit your abstracts and complete registration [https://ggbn2023.weebly.com/registration--abstract-submission.html HERE]
We are proud to announce that the African Centre for DNA Barcoding has made its DNA collection available as part of the GGBN-GGI 2017 awards program, making it the first GGBN African partner to make its genetic collections discoverable through GGBN.  The collection includes 13,169 botanical DNA samples (flowering plants and ferns primarily from Africa) adding 42 new families and 20 new genera to the GGBN online collections.
See The African Centre for DNA Barcoding's [http://www.ggbn.org/ggbn_portal/stats/details?registry=ACDB%2C+Johannesburg statistics page] for more information on this collection.
=27 June 2018-GGBN 2018 Conference slides now available=
Presentations from GGBN’s 2018 Conference are now linked directly from the [https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/2018/schedConf/program  GGBN online conference program].
Slides may also be accessed through GGBN’s document library, under the GGBN 2018 Conference folder.
A report from the ABS workshop with direct links to the presentations will be posted soon.
=21 June 2018-GGBN supports Joint Stakeholder statement on DSI=
GGBN supports the [https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/EC6BeMCbQmuHNtSnxiZKLA Joint Stakeholder statement on Digital Sequence Information], along with 57 organizations, including public and private sector organizations, academic and scientific institutions, data repositories and collections at international, regional and national level, from Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa.
=14 June 2018-DNA Bank of the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes joins GGBN=
We are proud to announce that the [http://www.uaa.mx/ Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes] has joined GGBN as its 72nd member. The collection comprises 813 DNA and 1166 tissue samples representing approximately 400 species from central Mexico.
=09 June 2018-GGBN featured in Vienna's newspaper derStandard.at=
The GGBN 2018 Conference made the papers in Vienna, see the full article entitled [https://derstandard.at/2000081042840/Die-Vermessung-der-Arten Die Vermessung der Arten] on derStandard.at's website.
The Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Science is looking for a master or Postdoc in molecular ecology for a contract of limited duration (October 2018-September 2019) who will join the Antarctic team of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems Data and Information Centre part of OD Nature.
This team is in charge of the management of biodiversity and ecosystem data resulting, for example, from the federal monitoring programmes of the marine environment or from research projects in marine and Antarctic sciences.
AntaBIS (www.biodiversity.aq) is a BelSPO (www.belspo.be)-funded project that aims at constructing a dedicated Antarctic biodiversity virtual Laboratory in the framework of the EU Lifewatch program, providing tools for the discovery and analysis of Antarctic biodiversity data.
Biodiversity.aq creates new ways of exploring and understanding Antarctic biodiversity by linking various online resources. Biodiveristy.aq contributes Antarctic biodiversity Data to global initiates such as the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (www.iobis.org) and the Global biodiversity Information Facility (www.gbif.org). The Register for Antarctic (Marine) species (www.marinespecies/RAMS) provides access to Antarctic taxonomic data and forms the taxonomic backbone for our other portals.
The data portal (data.biodiversity.aq) allows users explore and download Antarctic biodiversity. Our Microbial Antarctic Resource System (mARS.biodiversity.aq) is a unique platform that allows researcher to explore next generation sequencing data and environmental data (http://antabis.bedic.be/mars/).
We seek an enthusiastic data manager to assist in the construction of this Antarctic biodiversity virtual laboratory. The successful candidate will be responsible for publication of various types of biodiversity data. The main focus will be on enriching the content of the mARS portal and the further development and maintenance of this portal.
The Data Manager Officer will be offered a one-year, full time position starting September 1st, 2018 or as soon as possible, and will be based at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (www.naturalsciences.be). She/he will work under the supervision of the Project Promoter and in close collaboration with the AntaBIS data scientist. There is potential to extend the duration of the position but this will depend on available funding and positive evaluation.
The successful candidate will work for 12 months in the context of one of the Belgian Federal  contributions to EU Lifewatch (www.lifewatch.be) This work will be done in collaboration with a wide variety of international collaborators. The work handles the data management component of this project, and focuses mostly on the microbial Antarctic Resource System (mARS) mARS.biodiversity.aq.
*The development, the maintenance and the management of the mARS database (PostgreSQL,…) and of it’s  query interfaces ;
*Harvesting of data in public repositories (e.g. genbank SRA) , contacting data providers and users; communications in English;
*Quality control of the data (environmental and DNA sequence information) using relevant data standards (e.g. Darwincore, TDWG), their archiving, their reporting and their scientific exploitation;
*Publication of data in mARS, OBIS and GBIF;
*In collaboration with AntaBIS staff and partners:
- Identify existing tools for the analysis of (microbial) Antarctic biodiversity data;
- Evaluate online workflows using these tools and in particular their benefit to the Antarctic (microbial) research community
- Participation in national and international projects dealing with marine data management.
*Candidates must hold a PhD or a Master degree in science or applied sciences, with a strong preference for a background bioinformatics or Antarctic Microbial biology.
*They will demonstrate a wide analytical insight and a strong interest in the technical side of data management.
*Candidates should have a strong taste for bioinformatics; a good knowledge in data management and relational database, geospatial tools, biodiversity informatics standards.
*Experience with scientific programming (preferably using R and/or Python) as well as the use of software project hosting and version control systems such as GitHub or Gitlab.
*Enthusiasm and an outstanding ability to collaborate in a multi-disciplinary and international team ;
*Good organisational skills ;
*Strong communication skills ;
*Can operate independently yet work as part of a distributed team.
*Having excellent networking and communication skills in English is absolutely required; a good working knowledge of additional European language(s), in particular Dutch and/or French, is an asset;
*Experience in microbial molecular research ;
*Experience working in polar research ;
*Experience with scientific networking on international level, and/or Antarctic research;
*Experience with relevant biodiversity data standards (TDWG, Darwincore, MiMarks, ….).
We offer
*A contract of limited duration for 12 months ;
*Remuneration of the wage scale for grade SW1 ;
*Free public transport between the city and the Institute.
The regular working place is located in 1000 Brussels (Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussels) , with the possibility of a few foreign missions (project meetings, conferences, …) per year. The wages will granted according to the rules in force for scientific staff of the federal administration. The employment contract has a fixed duration but may be extended condition to available funding and positive evaluation.
How to apply
Send before 15 June 2018 your motivation and CV to:
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Anton Van de Putte
Gulledelle 100
1200 Brussels
Email: Avandeputte@naturalsciences.be or antonarctica@gmail.com with heading: job application AntaBIS-mARS
=11 May 2018-University of Guelph's Genetic Archive adds roughly 1.5 million DNA extracts to GGBN=
One of the planet’s largest collections of DNA samples – a genetic Noah’s ark held at the University of Guelph representing Canadian creatures from mites to whales — is now available to researchers through the GGBN Data Portal, adding roughly 1.5 million DNA extracts to GGBN's online collection, which now totals over 3.6 million records online.   
See the University of Guelph's [https://news.uoguelph.ca/2018/05/u-gs-genetic-archive-now-open-world/ press release] and [http://www.ggbn.org/ggbn_portal/stats/details?registry=BIOUG%2C+Guelph GGBN's statistics pages] for more information.
=24  April 2018-Earth BioGenome Project refers to GGBN as world's major resource of tissues and DNA=
[https://www.earthbiogenome.org/ The Earth Biogenome Project], an effort to sequence the DNA of all known eukaryotic species on Earth, refers to GGBN as "the world’s major resource of tissues and DNA from voucher specimens" in it's [https://www.ucdavis.edu/news/earth-biogenome-project-aims-sequence-dna-all-complex-life press release]. 
=06 April 2018-GGBN 2018 Conference Program now available, registration open=
The GGBN 2018 conference program is now available on our [https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/2018/schedConf/program conference page].  Please note that we are still accepting last minute registrations.  For those who still wish to register, please do so [https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/2018/schedConf/registration here].
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=28 March 2018-Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden, University of Tartu joins GGBN=
We are proud to announce that the [http://www.natmuseum.ut.ee/en Natural History Museum] and [https://www.botaanikaaed.ut.ee/en Botanical Garden], University of Tartu has joined GGBN as its 71st member. The collection comprises 370,000 tissues representing plants, fungi and lichens, more than 250,000 tissues representing animals, 1,500 soil samples and 2,000 living cultures of fungi, in addition to 30,000 DNAs.  Collections are estimated to represent more than 50,000 species of macroorganisms and greater than 100,000 species of microorganisms.
=27 March 2018-GGBN annual newsletter now available=
GGBN's [https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/qWNlMCU7RjutLMmiXeg5_Q March 2018 Newsletter]is now available through the GGBN document library.
=13 March 2018-Document Library Call for Content Managers=
The sub/categories below currently have vacancies for Category Managers, and so present a great opportunity for people to take on these roles for their chosen category, join the Document Library Task Force team developing a world class knowledge exchange platform for genomic biodiversity biobanking, and help by participating in and contributing to GGBN activities globally. The library offers a perfect customized system for anyone interested in genomic biodiversity collections who wants to organize, curate (using tag/search functions etc), their own personal document library (papers, protocols, procedures, policies, best practices etc), enhance content by aggregation, and share with colleagues worldwide. If you would like to join us as a GGBN Document Library Category Manager (and we wholeheartedly recommend it!) please contact us at library@ggbn.org.  We look forward to welcoming you on board!
•Biobank Management (including Governance, Business Models, Health and Safety)
•Curation Protocols for Microorganisms (including specimen and sample field collection, sample preparation, shipping, laboratory curation and storage methods)
•Research Protocols (including laboratory specimen and sample analysis: e.g. species specific extraction, amplification, sequencing for fresh and archival/ancient material)
•Regulation and Legislation including CITES/ Shipping e.g. IATA regulations: Commercial Invoice/Shipping Inventory/Import-Export documentation /Other regulations and tools* (*full list to be decided)
=22 February 2018-Webinar on Making DNA and tissue collections available by using the GGBN extensions with IPT now available=
A recording of the February 21st Darwin Core Hour webinar on Making DNA and tissue collections available by using the GGBN extensions with IPT is now available at: http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/pfvb99zx6nle/
=06 February 2018-GGBN 2018 Conference: Important Dates & Deadlines Extended=
Last chance to secure your EARLY BIRD TICKET!
Please register [http://oegmbt-events.at/ggbn2018/ here] before February 26th!
GGBN 2018, the 3rd Conference of the Global Genome Biodiversity Network will take place in Vienna, Austria from May 22 - 25, 2018
[[File:GGBN 2018.png|center|300px]]
Sessions are
•        Biodiversity – current challenges, future chances
•        Forest biological diversity – losses and gains
•        Why agricultural diversity matters
•        The hidden biodiversity
•        Amazing animals ex and in situ
•        Genebank management: sampling & preservation
•        Genebank management: data & analytics
•        ABS & Nagoya protocol
=05 February 2018-Finnish Museum of Natural History joins GGBN=
We are proud to announce that the [https://www.luomus.fi/en Finnish Museum of Natural History LUOMUS, University of Helsinki, Finland] has joined GGBN as its 70th member. The collection comprises DNAs from 2200 Insecta, 500 Bivalvia and 500 Ascomycota and tissues from 4000 Vertebrata representing a total of 1055 species and higher taxa.
=31 January 2018-Latest ISBER Best Practices, 4th Ed. now available=
The most recent revision of [http://www.isber.org/?page=BPR ISBER Best Practices:Recommendations for Repositories Fourth Edition] is out today.
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=25 January 2018-Mobilize Your Data: 2018 Call for Proposals to the GGBN-GGI Awards Program=
We are happy to announce the [http://wiki.ggbn.org/ggbn/Global_Genome_Biodiversity_Network-Global_Genome_Initiative_Awards_Program 2018 GGBN-GGI Awards Program]. The program provides funding for projects that support the discoverability of new genetic collections through the Global Genome Biodiversity Network's Data Portal. The submission deadline for proposals this year is 1 May 2018. The proposal review committee will consider requests for up to 30,000 USD with clearly articulated budget justifications. All data from funded projects must be made available online on the GGBN Portal before 1 September 2019.
=11 January 2018-iDigBio’s Darwin Core Hour on February 21: Making DNA and tissue collections available using the GGBN extensions with IPT=
In this Darwin Core hour we will give a brief overview about the Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) and the GGBN Data Standard. This standard covers facts about DNA and tissue samples and complements Darwin Core and ABCD. We will demonstrate how to use the GGBN extensions with IPT in detail and how it looks like in the GGBN Data Portal.
Date: Wednesday, 21 February 2018
Time: 5 PM CET, 11 EST, 1 PM Buenos Aires
Where: https://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/room
For additional information, please visit the [https://www.idigbio.org/content/darwin-core-hour-making-dna-and-tissue-collections-available-using-ggbn-extensions-ipt  iDigBio website]
=09 January 2018-GGBN Data Portal User Survey: please participate by January 23=
GGBN is assessing the usability and functionality of its website and data portal in order to better serve our user community.  This survey is designed to gather your feedback concerning the ease of use of the GGBN (Global Genome Biodiversity Network) Data Portal (www.ggbn.org). As primary users, your input is essential for us as we continue to improve the site. Your honest and specific feedback is appreciated.
[https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8DTBT65 Survey link]
=08 January 2018-Reminder: Early Registration for GGBN 2018 Conference by January 29=
The organizing committee is pleased to announce the opening of registration and the call for abstract submissions.
Abstracts can be submitted after registration and payment have been completed. All submitted abstracts will be considered for short talks or poster presentations by the scientific committee. Please indicate during submission if you prefer a talk or a poster. Poster sessions will offer an additional possibility for scientific exchange.
For EARLY REGISTRATION please register before January 29th! Click [http://oegmbt-events.at/ggbn2018/ HERE] to register.
[[File:GGBN 2018.png|center|600px]]
=05 January 2018-Open access genomic resources for terrestrial arthropods paper published=
•Biodiversity genomics research, relies on access to high quality DNA and/or tissue.
•Global collection initiatives aim to provide genomic resources at high-quality standards.
•The status of current genomic resources for terrestrial arthropods in biodiversity databases are reviewed here.
Vanessa L González, Amanda M Devine, Mike Trizna, Daniel G Mulcahy, Katharine B Barker, Jonathan A Coddington. ''Current Opinion in Insect Science.'' Volume 25, February 2018, Pages 91–98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cois.2017.12.003
=News Archive=
=News Archive=
Older news can be found in the GGBN [[News Archive]].
Older news can be found in the GGBN [[News Archive]].
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[[category: News]]

Latest revision as of 16:41, 5 September 2024

September 5 2024 Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales joins GGBN!

We are pleased to announce Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN) has joined GGBN! Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales is located in Madrid, Spain.

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April 30 2024 GGBN and ERGA Webinar Series on Science Policy for Biodiversity Research on Youtube

Both parts of the GGBN, the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) and the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP) series focused on ABS - Nagoya Protocol and DSI are now uploaded on YouTube! Check it out here!


March 25 2024 GGBN and ERGA Hosts a Webinar Series on Science Policy for Biodiversity Research

We're happy to announce that GGBN and European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) with the support of Digital Sequence Information (DSI) network are organizing a two-part webinar series focused on ABS (Access and Benefit Sharing), the Nagoya Protocol and DSI this April. Join us by filling the registration form here! Spots are limited.

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February 1 2024 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences joins GGBN!

We are pleased to announce the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) has joined GGBN! Located in Brussels, Belgium, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences has 6,000 DNA samples, 6,500 tissue samples, and 38,000 specimens in their collections.

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January 4 2024 2023 SYNTHESYS Biobanking Handbooks are Now Available!

The fourth (and last) publication of the GGBN-led SYNTHESYS+ work package NA3: "Molecular collections in the age of genomics – standards & processes" has been released! They are now posted to the GGBN Document Library. Click here to take a look!


January 4 2024 2023 GGBN Report Now Available!

We are excited to announce that the GGBN December 2023 Report is now available! This report highlights GGBN contributions, conferences, online discoverability and more from the past year. Head to the GGBN Document Library to take a look!

December 7 2023 Tissue Samples Made Discoverable Through GGBN

We are excited to announce the organizations who provided data for the first time in 2023: CMN, Ottawa, Canadian Museum of Nature, INRAE, Paris, National Institute of Research for Agriculture, Food and Environment, HNT, San Marino, The Huntington, and UNAL, Bogota, Universidad Nacional de Colombia / National University of Colombia.

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December 6 2023 National Herbarium of Rwanda, University of Rwanda joins GGBN

We are happy to announce that the National Herbarium of Rwanda[1] at the University of Rwanda has joined GGBN. Collections include 50 eDNA and 20,000+ tissue samples representing plants, terrestrial invertebrates, and vertebrates. Samples are managed with Symbiota and Excel.

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The GGBN 2023 International Conference Presentations are Available to Watch on YouTube

The 2023 GGBN International Conference presentations are now available to watch on our YouTube page here! Check out some of the amazing talks from the conference!


November 06 2023 GGBN 2023 GGBN Announces 2025 Conference Host

We are happy to announce the South African National Biodiversity Institute and Biodiversity Biobanks South Africa as the host for the 2025 GGBN Conference in Cape Town, South Africa! Learn more about the institute here

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October 16 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference Program Available Now

The 2023 GGBN International Conference program is now available to view here! Click to see presentation details, recommendations to do during your stay in Aguascalientes (if in person) and more.

September 7 2023 Hybrid Registration for 2023 GGBN International Conference Available Now

The 2023 GGBN International Conference will now be hybrid for those who want to join via Zoom! Virtual participants can register for $50 on Etix. There is also still time to register for those who want to attend the conference in person! Click HERE to register.

August 11 2023 NEON Biorepository, Arizona State University joins GGBN

We are pleased to announce the NEON Biorepository, Arizona State University has joined GGBN. Located in Tempe, Arizona, the NEON Biorepository has 31,358 DNA samples, 43,814 tissue samples, and 104,564 environmental samples.


August 07 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference: Abstract Submissions and General Registration Close August 31st

We are still accepting abstracts for the upcoming GGBN International Conference on Biodiversity Biobanking, taking place 17-20 October 2023 in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Please see the latest conference announcement attached for session details.

Important deadlines: General registration closes August 31st, late registration is open from September 1-October 1. The last day to submit your abstracts is August 31st.

Please submit your abstracts and complete registration HERE


News Archive

Older news can be found in the GGBN News Archive.