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(October 9 2024 The slides from the SPNHC-TDWG 2024 Conference are now available!)
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=26. January 2017 - GGBN Document Library Survey: please participate by 2 March 2017=
==October 9 2024 The slides from the SPNHC-TDWG 2024 Conference are now available! ==
In an effort to better serve the needs of the biodiversity biobanking community, we are kindly requesting your feedback on the GGBN Document Library. Please take a few minutes to fill out our survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/documentlibrary.  Your feedback will help us streamline and improve the library in order to better meet the needs of its users. 
Slides from the SPNHC-TDWG 2024 Conference session on "Biodiversity Biobanking Network GGBN: A global infrastructure for molecular collections" are now available on the GGBN document library. Check it out [https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/sLmM-4MXQ2mkSsasxojhZA now]!
As many of you are aware, GGBN in collaboration with the European, Middle Eastern & African Society for Biopreservation and Biobanking (ESBB) is developing a knowledge exchange platform for biodiversity biobanks, researchers and institutions through an online document library that will link to other online biorepository resources.  This password-protected resource allows users to perform full text searches, tag publications, and browse information by category and tag. More information about the GGBN / ESBB Document Library can be found at http://wiki.ggbn.org/ggbn/Library
==October 9 2024 The 2024 GGBN Newsletter is now available! ==
User accounts can be requested by e-mailing library@ggbn.org  
We are excited share the latest edition of the GGBN Newsletter is now available! Within the 2024 GGBN newsletter you'll find all the highlights, updates, and events that have shaped our community over the past year. We hope you enjoy this [https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/HCsKPlHXQBaSD18NmEZNqg newsletter]!
==April 30 2024 GGBN and ERGA Webinar Series on Science Policy for Biodiversity Research on Youtube==
=17. January 2017 - GGBN-GGI Awards Program: Call for Proposals=
Both parts of the GGBN, the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) and the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP) series focused on ABS - Nagoya Protocol and DSI are now uploaded on YouTube! Check it out [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4qmCfIUT9K-cgswMIZdd89p3ZUhol-OH here]!
We are happy to announce the new GGBN-GGI Awards Program, which provides funding for projects that support the discoverability of new genetic collections through the Global Genome Biodiversity Network's Data Portal.  The submission deadline for proposals this year is 1 May 2017.  The proposal review committee will consider requests for up to 30,000 USD with clearly articulated budget justifications.  All data from funded projects must be made available online on the GGBN Portal before 15 May 2018.
For information on how to apply, please see: http://wiki.ggbn.org/ggbn/Global_Genome_Biodiversity_Network-Global_Genome_Initiative_Awards_Program
==March 25 2024 GGBN and ERGA Hosts a Webinar Series on Science Policy for Biodiversity Research ==
=17. January 2017 - GGBN North American Regional Workshop (April 11-13), updates and RSVP by February 3rd=
We're happy to announce that GGBN and European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) with the support of Digital Sequence Information (DSI) network are organizing a two-part webinar series focused on ABS (Access and Benefit Sharing), the Nagoya Protocol and DSI this April. Join us by filling the registration form [https://www.cognitoforms.com/ERGAEuropeanReferenceGenomeAtlas/APrimerOnSciencePolicyForBiodiversityResearchWebinarSeries here]! Spots are limited.
The GGBN North American Regional Workshop page has recently been updated with information on the workshop program, travel support, and accommodation. The RSVP deadline has been extended to February 3rd. 
See, https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/2017ws-na/
==February 1 2024 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences joins GGBN! ==
We hope that many of you will be able to join us. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to welcoming you to the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC!
=09. January 2017 - Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University joins GGBN=
We are pleased to announce the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) has joined GGBN! Located in Brussels, Belgium, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences has 6,000 DNA samples, 6,500 tissue samples, and 38,000 specimens in their collections.
We are pleased to announce that the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University has joined GGBN as our 56th member. The MCZ contains over 21-million specimens in ten research collections which comprise one of the world's richest and most varied resources for studying the diversity of life. The museum serves as the primary repository for zoological specimens collected by past and present Harvard faculty-curators, staff and associates conducting research around the world.
==January 4 2024 2023 SYNTHESYS Biobanking Handbooks are Now Available! ==
For more information about the MCZ, please visit: http://mcz.harvard.edu/collections/  
The fourth (and last) publication of the GGBN-led SYNTHESYS+ work package NA3: "Molecular collections in the age of genomics – standards &
processes" has been released! They are now posted to the GGBN Document Library. Click [https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/Ijs5AFkCSFquS7vZW96KMg here] to take a look!
==January 4 2024 2023 GGBN Report Now Available! ==
=22. December 2016 - Global Biodiversity Information Facility joins GGBN=
We are excited to announce that the GGBN December 2023 Report is now available! This report highlights GGBN contributions, conferences, online discoverability and more from the past year. Head to the [https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/YKaykzh2QD-q2yByCgMJqw GGBN Document Library] to take a look!
==December 7 2023 Tissue Samples Made Discoverable Through GGBN==
We are excited to announce the organizations who provided data for the first time in 2023: CMN, Ottawa, Canadian Museum of Nature, INRAE, Paris, National Institute of Research for Agriculture, Food and Environment,  HNT, San Marino, The Huntington, and UNAL, Bogota, Universidad Nacional de Colombia / National University of Colombia.
We are pleased to announce that GBIF has joined GGBN as our 55th member. GBIF is an inter-governmental collaboration committed to free and open access to biodiversity data and commits to work closely with GGBN to promote data standardization and interoperability and, where applicable, to encourage and facilitate the participation of GBIF participation nodes as contributors or members within GGBN. GBIF similarly encourages and will support efforts by GGBN partners to share relevant metadata, nomenclature, occurrence and sampling event data through the GBIF network.  
[[File:CMN.png|center|350px]] [[File:INRAE.jpg|center|350px]] [[File:HTG logo.jpg|center|350px]] [[File:UNAL logo 600x300.png|center|350px]]
==December 6 2023 National Herbarium of Rwanda, University of Rwanda joins GGBN ==
=16. December 2016 - Vietnam National Museum of Nature joins GGBN=
We are happy to announce that the National Herbarium of Rwanda[https://herbariumrwanda.ur.ac.rw/] at the University of Rwanda has joined GGBN. Collections include 50 eDNA and 20,000+ tissue samples representing plants, terrestrial invertebrates, and vertebrates. Samples are managed with Symbiota and Excel.
[[File:Herbarium of Rwanda.png|center|350px]]
We are pleased to announce that the Vietnam National Museum of Nature has joined GGBN as our 54th member. The collection includes 5,000 DNA and 300 tissue samples representing 50 species. For more information on the Vietnam National Museum of Nature please visit: http://vnmn.ac.vn/en/
==The GGBN 2023 International Conference Presentations are Available to Watch on YouTube==
The 2023 GGBN International Conference presentations are now available to watch on our YouTube page [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfOFuKPmJMQ&list=PLxCMSf8YBiw8RZX6q-_cs-y0nM103_-Is here]! Check out some of the amazing talks from the conference!
=16. November 2016 - GGBN Asian Regional Workshop (July 21-22 2017)=
==November 06 2023 GGBN 2023 GGBN Announces 2025 Conference Host==
We are happy to announce the South African National Biodiversity Institute and Biodiversity Biobanks South Africa as the host for the 2025 GGBN Conference in Cape Town, South Africa! Learn more about the institute [https://www.sanbi.org/ here]
The China National Genebank (CNGB) is glad to welcome you to an upcoming workshop on "Linking DNA and Tissue Collections in Asia", held July 21-22 2017 in Shenzhen, China.
[[File:Large SANBI Logo new.jpg|center|350px]]
The workshop will cover the following topics:
==October 16 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference Program Available Now==
*Introduction to the Global Genome Biodiversity Network
The 2023 GGBN International Conference program is now available to view [https://ggbn2023.weebly.com/conference-program.html here]! Click to see presentation details, recommendations to do during your stay in Aguascalientes (if in person) and more.
*Why join GGBN, what are its applications as a shared resource, what are the benefits to your institution and the research community?
*Benefits of GGBN for biobanking in Asia.
*Benefits of Best Practice for Biodiversity Biobank Collections and Networking with GGBN. General information on GGBN membership, governance model, legal aspects of providing data and samples, restrictions, collaborations, Nagoya Protocol.
*General information on the GGBN Data Portal, GGBN Data Standard and how to provide data to GGBN DNA/Tissue Banking in Asia.
[[File: GeneBank_Night_View.jpg|center|300px]]
==September 7 2023 Hybrid Registration for 2023 GGBN International Conference Available Now==
Please send RSVPs to Katie Barker (barkerk@si.edu) no later than March 30 2017. There is no registration fee associated with this workshop.  
The 2023 GGBN International Conference will now be hybrid for those who want to join via Zoom! Virtual participants can register for $50 on [https://www.etix.com/ticket/c/417BD8523BDDF67177ECE60A52B3A32E/hybrid-participation Etix]. There is also still time to register for those who want to attend the conference in person! Click [https://ggbn2023.weebly.com/registration--abstract-submission.html HERE] to register.
Additional information, such as suggestions for accommodation coming soon at the [https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/2017ws-as/ workshop page].
==August 11 2023 NEON Biorepository, Arizona State University joins GGBN==
=03. November 2016 - GGBN 2016 Conference Report now available=
We are pleased to announce the [https://biorepo.neonscience.org/portal/ NEON Biorepository, Arizona State University] has joined GGBN. Located in Tempe, Arizona, the NEON Biorepository has 31,358 DNA samples, 43,814 tissue samples, and 104,564 environmental samples.
The GGBN 2016 Conference report is now available on the GGBN Document Library, https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/26B-x8QOQwavBNm7uOBoqg
=06. October 2016 - GGBN North American Regional Workshop (April 11-13 2017)=
The National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution is glad to welcome you to an upcoming workshop on "Linking DNA and Tissue Collections in North America", held April 11-13 2017 in Washington D.C., USA.
==August 07 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference: Abstract Submissions and General Registration Close August 31st==
The workshop will cover the following topics:
We are still accepting abstracts for the upcoming GGBN International Conference on Biodiversity Biobanking, taking place 17-20 October 2023 in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Please see the latest conference announcement attached for session details.
*Use cases: Why join GGBN, what are its applications as a shared resource, what are the benefits to your institution in particular and the research community in general?
*General information on GGBN membership, governance model, legal aspects of providing data and samples, restrictions, collaborations, etc.
*General information on the GGBN Data Portal, GGBN Data Standard and how to provide data to GGBN with IPT/DwC-A
*Streamlining the pipeline between GGBN/Specify/Arctos/iDigBio
Important deadlines:
[[File: NMNH-full.jpg|center|300px]]
General registration closes August 31st, late registration is open from September 1-October 1.  
The last day to submit your abstracts is August 31st.  
Please submit your abstracts and complete registration [https://ggbn2023.weebly.com/registration--abstract-submission.html HERE]
Please send RSVPs to Katie Barker (barkerk@si.edu) no later than January 31 2017. There is no registration fee associated with this workshop.
Additional information, such as suggestions for accommodation coming soon at the [https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/2017ws-na/ workshop page].
=03. October 2016 - GGBN Data Standard Specification published on DATABASE=
We are happy to announce the publication of GGBN's Data Standard Specification. 
G. Droege, K. Barker, O. Seberg, J. Coddington, E. Benson, W. G. Berendsohn, B. Bunk, C. Butler, E. M. Cawsey, J. Deck, M. Döring, P. Flemons, B. Gemeinholzer, A. Güntsch, T. Hollowell, P. Kelbert, I. Kostadinov, R. Kottmann, R. T. Lawlor, C. Lyal, J. Mackenzie-Dodds, C. Meyer, D. Mulcahy, S. Y. Nussbeck, É. O'Tuama, T. Orrell, G. Petersen, T. Robertson, C. Söhngen, J. Whitacre, J. Wieczorek, P. Yilmaz, H. Zetzsche, Y. Zhang and X. Zhou. Database (2016) 2016 : baw125 doi: 10.1093/database/baw125
Link to full publication: http://database.oxfordjournals.org/content/2016/baw125.full
Database URL: http://terms.tdwg.org/wiki/GGBN_Data_Standard
=29. September 2016 - Colciencias joins GGBN=
[[File:Colciencias Logo.jpg|center|400px]]
We are pleased to announce that Colciencias has joined GGBN as our 53rd member.  For more information on Colciencias, please see: http://legadoweb.colciencias.gov.co/
=16. August 2016 - GGBN 2016 Conference Presentations now Available=
Presentations from the GGBN 2016 Conference are now available on the GGBN Document Library, https://library.ggbn.org/share.  Please note that some presentations are available through login only.  If you would like access to the full Document Library please send an e-mail request to library@ggbn.org.
=08. August 2016 - Entomological Collections Network joins GGBN=
We are pleased to announce that the Entomological Collections Network has joined GGBN as our 50th member.
Founded in 1990, the Entomological Collections Network (ECN) is now the largest organization in the world dedicated to promoting entomological science through the preservation, management, use and development of entomological collections and to disseminating information and fostering communications between collections managers and collections-based researchers around the world regarding best practices in entomological (and arthropod) natural history collections.
For more information on ECN, please visit: http://ecnweb.org/
=02. August 2016 - GGBN - now on Twitter and Facebook=
We are pleased to announce GGBN’s new social media tools to assist with our communication and outreach efforts:
Twitter (public posts): https://twitter.com/GGBNOutreach
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ggbnoutreach
Many thanks to Charlotte Seid at Ocean Genome Legacy for putting these together.  Feedback is very much appreciated!
In order to stay updated on GGBN activities, please also remember to subscribe to the GGBN mailing list at http://lists.fu-berlin.de/listinfo/GGBN-info/.
=28. July 2016 - Korea National Research Resource Center joins GGBN=
We are pleased to announce that the Korea National Research Resource Center has joined GGBN as our 49th member. For more information on the Korea National Research Resource Center please see: http://www.knrrc.or.kr/english/
=20. June 2016 - GGBN - a botanical perspective paper published in Annals of Botany=
'''Seberg, O., Droege, G., Barker, K., Coddington, J.A., Funk, A., Gostel, M., Petersen, G. & Smith, P.P.''' (2016): Global Genome Biodiversity Network: Saving a blueprint of the Tree of Life – A botanical perspective. ''Annals of Botany''. [http://aob.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2016/06/20/aob.mcw121.full.pdf+html DOI:10.1093/aob/mcw121]
GGBN has published a paper together with colleagues from GGI Gardens and BGCI, describing a botanical perspective of GGBN and how the botanical community can benefit from this collaborative effort.
=18. June 2016 - Museum für Naturkunde (MfN) makes its genomic collections available via GGBN=
The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN) – Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Research has now made the first part of its DNA Bank collection available via the Global Genome Biodiversity Network’s Data Portal. Starting with about 50% of the 20,000+ mollusk DNA samples, the bulk of the entire collection of 45,000+ samples (in addition to mollusks mostly frogs, bats, grasshoppers, but also several thousand samples each of crustaceans and brachiopods) will become available by the end of 2016.
The MfN DNA Bank is mainly a research collection, holding material collected through MfN research projects over the last 20 years. Geographically the main focus is on West Africa, Southeast Asia, Europe and Cuba.
=16. June 2016 - Zoology Museum (QCAZ) at Catholic University of Ecuador makes its genomic collections available via GGBN=
[[File:Logo museo QCAZ.jpg|center|300px]]
The Zoology Museum (QCAZ) at Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE), Ecuador, has now made its herpetological DNA Bank collection available via the Global Genome Biodiversity Network’s Data Portal. DNA samples of Amphibians (25.000+ tissues) and reptiles (6700+) from Ecuador constitute the majority of the collection. Despite its small size, Ecuador is among the three most diverse countries in amphibians worldwide. In reptiles Ecuador occupies eight place.
The QCAZ collection holds one of the largest animal genome banks in Latin America. Its samples are available for scientific research under the regulations imposed by Ecuadorian law, international treaties, and the Code of Conduct of GGBN
=14. June 2016 - Natural History Museum at the University of Oslo (NHMO) makes its genomic collections available via GGBN=
[[File:UiO NHM A ENG.png|center|450px]]
The Natural History Museum (NHMO) at the University of Oslo, Norway, has now made its complete DNA Bank collection available via the Global Genome Biodiversity Network’s Data Portal. Birds (including the skin collection; 100.000+) and flowering plants (92.500+) constitutes the majority of the more than 225.000 samples, but there are also several thousands of samples of fungi, lichens and arthropods, and the collections of mammals, fish and other groups are also growing.
The NHMO DNA Bank is mainly a research collection, holding material collected through NHMO research projects over the last couple of decades. Geographically the main focus is on Norway, the Nordic countries and the Arctic, but most regions of the world are represented.
=06. June 2016 - GBIF & GGBN survey on DNA and biodiversity=
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and the Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) are seeking expert opinions on how to link morphological and molecular biodiversity data, i.e. physical specimens, derived DNA, sequences, observations and other evidence of species' presence and abundance in space and time. This survey targets data users and providers of specimen and sequence information.
We know your time is extremely valuable, this survey should take about 25 minutes. We are particularly eager to receive early responses from those who are able to complete the survey by 15 June 2016, as we plan to report on preliminary results during workshop 9 of the SPNHC/GGBN conference, Documentation of environmental samples and eDNA on 20 June 2016.
To take the survey, please follow this link, or copy the URL into your browser:
We encourage you to share the survey with your contacts and networks, especially with users and holders of molecular biodiversity data. The survey will run until 15 September 2016, and the final results will be reported at TDWG 2016 Conference in Costa Rica. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Dmitry Schigel, dschigel@gbif.org. Thanks in advance for your help.
=06. June 2016 - Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic makes its genomic collections available via GGBN=
The Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (joined GGBN in 2015), has now made part of its genomic collection accessible via the Global Genome Biodiversity Network’s Data Portal as well! At this moment, there are 505 vertebrate tissue samples available, from fish to mammals, but the collection includes more than 5000 samples and is rapidly growing. The biobank is focused mainly on central European vertebrate fauna and the major strengths are presently collections of bats and small mammals.
=31. May 2016 - Natural History Museum of Denmark makes its genomic collections available via GGBN=
The Natural History Museum of Denmark has now made part – almost exclusively flowering plants – of its genomic collection of DNA and tissue accessible via the Global Genome Biodiversity Network’s Data Portal! The Natural History Museum of Denmark will gradually make its entire collection available, though this is a time-consuming process. The major strength of the museum’s genomic collection is the bird collection which includes 35.000+ entries! 
=25. May 2016 - GGBN Conference: Full Program Now Available =
The full GGBN 2016 Conference program is now available at: https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/2016/schedConf/program.  Poster abstracts will continue to be accepted until 6 June and conference registration will remain open until 15 June.  Information on parallel Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections sessions can be found on the SPNHC website at: http://www.spnhc2016.berlin/page05.html. Please do not hesitate to contact the conference team if you have any questions (conference@ggbn.org). 
We look forward to seeing you in Berlin!
=08. April 2016 - GGBN conference: Abstract submission deadline extended until 17th April 2016=
The abstract submission deadline is extended until 17th April 2016 midnight Central European Time. Individual sessions might be closed earlier. In any case poster submissions will still be possible. Please don't hesitate to contact the conference team if you have any questions (conference@ggbn.org). We are looking forward to your final submissions and to see you in Berlin.
=04. April 2016 - GGBN March 2016 Newsletter Released =
The GGBN March 2016 Newsletter is now available for download at:
=29. March 2016 - Carnegie Museum of Natural History joins GGBN =
We are pleased to announce that the Carnegie Museum of Natural History has joined GGBN as our 41st member. Collections represent 1223 species of amphibians and 2467 species of reptiles. For more information on the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, please see
=15. March 2016 - GGBN 2016 conference Berlin: deadline for early bird registration extended to April 1 =
The deadline for the early bird registration to the 2016 GGBN Conference and the 31. Annual Meeting of SPNHC will be extended to April 1, 2016. Both conferences are hosted by the Museum für Naturkunde and the Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin and will be held in parallel in the andel's Hotel. The deadline is also extended for abstract submission. So please submit your registration at https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/2016/schedConf/registration until April 1 (midnight, Central European Time). 
=15. March 2016 - Call for expressions of interest to host the GGBN 2018 conference=
Expressions of interest to host the next GGBN conference in 2018 are now being accepted.  For those interested, please submit a 2-3 page proposal to Katie Barker (barkerk@si.edu) by Wednesday June 8th outlining your institution’s motivation, budget strategy, and conference hosting options. Please note that the online registration system used for this year’s conference will be available to the hosts of our next conference, along with technical support from GGBN’s technical office and administrative support from GGBN’s secretariat office.  Selected applicants will be asked to give a short overview presentation during the business meeting at the GGBN 2016 Conference in Berlin.
=09. March 2016 - Collections Associate Position Opening=
Full posting and application link:
Position Title: Collections Associate
Location: Northeastern University Marine Science Center at Nahant, MA
The Collections Associate will support the scientific, communications, and organizational functions of the Ocean Genome Legacy non-profit biorepository of marine DNA and tissue samples. The responsibilities will entail approximately 50% sample processing and laboratory procedures / 50% collections-related communications and collaborator outreach. We anticipate that this position will provide a range of experiences in the research and communication of science to advance the career of a recent science graduate with an interest in marine biology and/or genomics.
• Bachelor’s degree or higher in a biological science with strong experience in molecular biology
Required Experience/Skills:
• Proficiency in DNA extraction, PCR, DNA quantification, data interpretation, sterile technique, and general molecular biology skills
• Strong note-taking skills, focus, and attention to detail
• Strong customer service and communication skills
• Proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel
• Comfortable using or learning to work with databases and database software
• Reliable transportation to Nahant, which has only limited access to public transportation
Useful Skills:
• Knowledge of marine science, field collection, taxonomy, and/or systematics
• Familiarity with FileMaker, Geneious, Mega 6.0, Barcode of Life Database, GenBank, and/or other online resources
=08. March 2016 - GGBN 2016 Early Conference Registration closes 12am March 16th=
The deadline for early registration and abstract submission is open until 15th March 2016. Please check https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/2016/index for information on the GGBN 2016 conference program, field trips, social events, accommodation, registration and abstract submission.
Abstracts can be submitted online at https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/2016/schedConf/cfp through March 16th.
Early Conference Registration is available at https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/2016/schedConf/registration through March 16th.
Accommodation information is now available at https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/2016/schedConf/accommodation.
We look forward to seeing you in June.
=26. January 2016 - 'Life in Data' ESBB/GGBN paper published on Biobanking and Biopreservation=
Article Source: [http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1089/bio.2015.0061 Life in Data – Outcome of A Multi-Disciplinary, Interactive Biobanking Conference Session on Sample Data]
Nussbeck, S., Rabone, M., Benson, E.E., Droege, G., Mackenzie-Dodds, J., Lawlor, R.T. (2016): 'Life in Data' – Outcome of A Multi-Disciplinary, Interactive Biobanking Conference Session on Sample Data. Biopreservation and Biobanking 14 (1).
The Enviro-Bio and ESBBperanto Working Groups of the ESBB co-organized an interactive session at the 2013 conference (Verona, Italy), presenting data associated with biobanking pro-cesses, using examples from across different fields.
=News Archive=
=News Archive=
Older news can be found in the GGBN [[News Archive]].
Older news can be found in the GGBN [[News Archive]].
[[category: Help]]
[[category: News]]

Latest revision as of 19:30, 9 October 2024

October 9 2024 The slides from the SPNHC-TDWG 2024 Conference are now available!

Slides from the SPNHC-TDWG 2024 Conference session on "Biodiversity Biobanking Network GGBN: A global infrastructure for molecular collections" are now available on the GGBN document library. Check it out now!

October 9 2024 The 2024 GGBN Newsletter is now available!

We are excited share the latest edition of the GGBN Newsletter is now available! Within the 2024 GGBN newsletter you'll find all the highlights, updates, and events that have shaped our community over the past year. We hope you enjoy this newsletter!

GGBN Sep2024 Newsletter.jpg

April 30 2024 GGBN and ERGA Webinar Series on Science Policy for Biodiversity Research on Youtube

Both parts of the GGBN, the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) and the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP) series focused on ABS - Nagoya Protocol and DSI are now uploaded on YouTube! Check it out here!


March 25 2024 GGBN and ERGA Hosts a Webinar Series on Science Policy for Biodiversity Research

We're happy to announce that GGBN and European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) with the support of Digital Sequence Information (DSI) network are organizing a two-part webinar series focused on ABS (Access and Benefit Sharing), the Nagoya Protocol and DSI this April. Join us by filling the registration form here! Spots are limited.

ERGA GGBN Webinar-3 page-0001.jpg

February 1 2024 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences joins GGBN!

We are pleased to announce the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) has joined GGBN! Located in Brussels, Belgium, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences has 6,000 DNA samples, 6,500 tissue samples, and 38,000 specimens in their collections.

RBINS logo complet (2).jpg

January 4 2024 2023 SYNTHESYS Biobanking Handbooks are Now Available!

The fourth (and last) publication of the GGBN-led SYNTHESYS+ work package NA3: "Molecular collections in the age of genomics – standards & processes" has been released! They are now posted to the GGBN Document Library. Click here to take a look!


January 4 2024 2023 GGBN Report Now Available!

We are excited to announce that the GGBN December 2023 Report is now available! This report highlights GGBN contributions, conferences, online discoverability and more from the past year. Head to the GGBN Document Library to take a look!

December 7 2023 Tissue Samples Made Discoverable Through GGBN

We are excited to announce the organizations who provided data for the first time in 2023: CMN, Ottawa, Canadian Museum of Nature, INRAE, Paris, National Institute of Research for Agriculture, Food and Environment, HNT, San Marino, The Huntington, and UNAL, Bogota, Universidad Nacional de Colombia / National University of Colombia.

HTG logo.jpg
UNAL logo 600x300.png

December 6 2023 National Herbarium of Rwanda, University of Rwanda joins GGBN

We are happy to announce that the National Herbarium of Rwanda[1] at the University of Rwanda has joined GGBN. Collections include 50 eDNA and 20,000+ tissue samples representing plants, terrestrial invertebrates, and vertebrates. Samples are managed with Symbiota and Excel.

Herbarium of Rwanda.png

The GGBN 2023 International Conference Presentations are Available to Watch on YouTube

The 2023 GGBN International Conference presentations are now available to watch on our YouTube page here! Check out some of the amazing talks from the conference!


November 06 2023 GGBN 2023 GGBN Announces 2025 Conference Host

We are happy to announce the South African National Biodiversity Institute and Biodiversity Biobanks South Africa as the host for the 2025 GGBN Conference in Cape Town, South Africa! Learn more about the institute here

Large SANBI Logo new.jpg

October 16 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference Program Available Now

The 2023 GGBN International Conference program is now available to view here! Click to see presentation details, recommendations to do during your stay in Aguascalientes (if in person) and more.

September 7 2023 Hybrid Registration for 2023 GGBN International Conference Available Now

The 2023 GGBN International Conference will now be hybrid for those who want to join via Zoom! Virtual participants can register for $50 on Etix. There is also still time to register for those who want to attend the conference in person! Click HERE to register.

August 11 2023 NEON Biorepository, Arizona State University joins GGBN

We are pleased to announce the NEON Biorepository, Arizona State University has joined GGBN. Located in Tempe, Arizona, the NEON Biorepository has 31,358 DNA samples, 43,814 tissue samples, and 104,564 environmental samples.


August 07 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference: Abstract Submissions and General Registration Close August 31st

We are still accepting abstracts for the upcoming GGBN International Conference on Biodiversity Biobanking, taking place 17-20 October 2023 in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Please see the latest conference announcement attached for session details.

Important deadlines: General registration closes August 31st, late registration is open from September 1-October 1. The last day to submit your abstracts is August 31st.

Please submit your abstracts and complete registration HERE


News Archive

Older news can be found in the GGBN News Archive.