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(28. May - Senckenberg Frankfurt and BiK-F join the DNA Bank Network)
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=16. July - GGBN 2014 First Conference Announcement: Biodiversity Biobanking: Building a Trusted Community of Accessible Genomic Collections=
==September 5 2024 Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales joins GGBN! ==
During '''the week of June 30 2014''', the Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) will hold the first international conference on biodiversity repositories.  Please see full conference announcement here [http://www.dnabank-network.org/publications/GGBN2014_FirstConferenceAnnouncement.pdf].
We are pleased to announce Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN) has joined GGBN! Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales is located in Madrid, Spain.
Conference goals include:
* Engage new members and strengthen the community by promoting collaborations among biorepositories
==April 30 2024 GGBN and ERGA Webinar Series on Science Policy for Biodiversity Research on Youtube==
* Advance the field of genomic collections, data management, and accessibility
* Promote international networking compliant with ABS and CBD
* Link people, communities, platforms, and collections
Please join the Global Genome Biodiversity Network in London to communicate ideas, new tools, expertise on biodiversity biobanking, and to encourage natural history collections to make databases of genomic collections public and broadly available for research while respecting the spirit of the Nagoya Protocol.  A second conference announcement with a full agenda, invited speakers, and call for abstracts will be posted on the '''upcoming conference website on 1 November 2013'''.
=11. July - The National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution makes its genomic collections discoverable for research=
Both parts of the GGBN, the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) and the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP) series focused on ABS - Nagoya Protocol and DSI are now uploaded on YouTube! Check it out [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4qmCfIUT9K-cgswMIZdd89p3ZUhol-OH here]!
The '''[http://www.mnh.si.edu/ National Museum of Natural History]''' is proud to announce that as of July 11, 2013, tissue and DNA samples are being made available through the DNA Bank Network's online database. The data represent the breadth of NMNH collections including birds, insects, spiders, plants, mammals, worms, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and will increase as existing data are migrated to the museum's catalog and inventory systems and as new data are digitized. This work is part of the Museum's efforts in the '''[http://www.mnh.si.edu/ggi/ Global Genome Initiative]''' to make the genomic collections of Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) members discoverable for research through the '''[http://www.ggbn.org/ Global Genome Biodiversity Network's Data Portal]'''.
==March 25 2024 GGBN and ERGA Hosts a Webinar Series on Science Policy for Biodiversity Research ==
=28. May - Senckenberg Frankfurt and BiK-F join the DNA Bank Network=
We're happy to announce that GGBN and European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) with the support of Digital Sequence Information (DSI) network are organizing a two-part webinar series focused on ABS (Access and Benefit Sharing), the Nagoya Protocol and DSI this April. Join us by filling the registration form [https://www.cognitoforms.com/ERGAEuropeanReferenceGenomeAtlas/APrimerOnSciencePolicyForBiodiversityResearchWebinarSeries here]! Spots are limited.
The DNA Bank Network welcomes its seventh partner! The DNA bank of '''[http://www.senckenberg.de/ Senckenberg Gesellschaft fuer Naturforschung (SGN) and the Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (LOEWE BiK-F)]''' has joined the DNA Bank Network and the Global Genome Biodiversity Network on May 28th 2013. The DNA bank of Senckenberg (SGN) and the Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (LOEWE BiK-F) store DNA from all organismal groups for research purposes. At present, the fast growing collection numbers about 5000 DNA samples. For reference purposes, corresponding voucher material for almost all DNA samples is kept in the collections of the SGN.
==February 1 2024 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences joins GGBN! ==
To share the data via the DNA Bank Network's webportal BioCASe is used and the DNA data have been mapped with ABCDDNA. For now a test set of 1.100 DNA samples of Senckenberg Frankfurt and BiK-F is available via our webportal.
=22. April - GGBN User Needs Survey/Participation kindly requested=
We are pleased to announce the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) has joined GGBN! Located in Brussels, Belgium, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences has 6,000 DNA samples, 6,500 tissue samples, and 38,000 specimens in their collections.
'''Founded in 2011, The Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) is a networked community of biorepositories that provides value to its users by making genomic collections discoverable for research.  We are reaching out to you as a potential user, contributor, or partner biorepository in order to better understand the needs of our audiences.'''
'''Please take a few moments to answer the questions at the following link: [http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/X325FMY Click here to take survey]'''
'''If you know someone who may have an interest in GGBN, please send them the link to this survey.'''
==January 4 2024 2023 SYNTHESYS Biobanking Handbooks are Now Available! ==
'''This survey will be open through May 6th.'''
The fourth (and last) publication of the GGBN-led SYNTHESYS+ work package NA3: "Molecular collections in the age of genomics – standards &
processes" has been released! They are now posted to the GGBN Document Library. Click [https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/Ijs5AFkCSFquS7vZW96KMg here] to take a look!
=18.-19. April 2013 - GGI Capturing Genomes Workshop at Smithsonian=
==January 4 2024 2023 GGBN Report Now Available! ==
This workshop is led by the Smithsonian’s Global Genome Initiative, which aims to preserve the genomic diversity of life on earth for future research and discovery.  Steps toward this vision will be guided by four collaborative activities: Biodiversity Research and Collecting, Biorepositories (Global Genome Biodiversity Network), Bioinformatics and Biotechnology, and Engagement.  Preservation of genomic diversity starts with collaborative collecting and collection management efforts, including appropriate access and benefits sharing (ABS).  Online access to these resources for genomic research, including genomic samples, vouchers, molecular analysis, publications, and images requires a federated information infrastructure.  The sequencing of earth’s genomes requires the genomic samples, biotechnology, and computational support.  The future of genomics requires a well trained workforce, fostered through fellowships across partner organizations.  The Global Genome Initiative will support these activities by providing the organizational capacity and advocacy for genomic research in the changing field of biodiversity research.  This workshop will kick start the collaborative collecting efforts of GGI.
=24.-25. July 2012 - Workshop on Management of Molecular Collections=
We are excited to announce that the GGBN December 2023 Report is now available! This report highlights GGBN contributions, conferences, online discoverability and more from the past year. Head to the [https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/YKaykzh2QD-q2yByCgMJqw GGBN Document Library] to take a look!
Together with other European Institutions and [http://www.synthesys.info/ SYNTHESYS] scientists of the DNA Bank Network are organising a workshop on Management of Molecular Collections.
'''Location''': CSIC, Madrid (Spain)
==December 7 2023 Tissue Samples Made Discoverable Through GGBN==
'''Duration and date''': Lunch-to-lunch meeting, 24-25 July 2012
We are excited to announce the organizations who provided data for the first time in 2023: CMN, Ottawa, Canadian Museum of Nature, INRAE, Paris, National Institute of Research for Agriculture, Food and Environment,  HNT, San Marino, The Huntington, and UNAL, Bogota, Universidad Nacional de Colombia / National University of Colombia.
'''Full title''': Molecular collections management and linkage between biological specimen repositories and molecular sequence databases.
[[File:CMN.png|center|350px]] [[File:INRAE.jpg|center|350px]] [[File:HTG logo.jpg|center|350px]] [[File:UNAL logo 600x300.png|center|350px]]
'''Trainers''': Rob Huxley (NHM-London, UK), Jacqueline Mackenzie-Dodds (NHM-London, UK), Birgit Gemeinholzer (DNA Bank Network, University of Giessen, Germany), Gabriele Droege (DNA Bank Network, BGBM, Germany), Isabel Rey Fraile (MNCN-CSIC, ES).
==December 6 2023 National Herbarium of Rwanda, University of Rwanda joins GGBN ==
'''Registration deadline: 21/05/2012'''
We are happy to announce that the National Herbarium of Rwanda[https://herbariumrwanda.ur.ac.rw/] at the University of Rwanda has joined GGBN. Collections include 50 eDNA and 20,000+ tissue samples representing plants, terrestrial invertebrates, and vertebrates. Samples are managed with Symbiota and Excel.
Further instructions and information can be found at: http://synthesys.cybertaxonomy.africamuseum.be/node/103
[[File:Herbarium of Rwanda.png|center|350px]]
[[File:Synthesys heading.png|500px]]
==The GGBN 2023 International Conference Presentations are Available to Watch on YouTube==
=15.-18. May 2012 - ISBER Annual Conference=
The 2023 GGBN International Conference presentations are now available to watch on our YouTube page [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfOFuKPmJMQ&list=PLxCMSf8YBiw8RZX6q-_cs-y0nM103_-Is here]! Check out some of the amazing talks from the conference!
A scientist of the DNA Bank Network will attend the [http://www.isber.org/mtgs/2012/ ISBER conference] this year. Session topics are expected to cover the following areas:
• The Evolving Global Research Environment: New Partnerships and Collaborations
==November 06 2023 GGBN 2023 GGBN Announces 2025 Conference Host==
• Keeping Step with New Technologies
We are happy to announce the South African National Biodiversity Institute and Biodiversity Biobanks South Africa as the host for the 2025 GGBN Conference in Cape Town, South Africa! Learn more about the institute [https://www.sanbi.org/ here]
• Innovative Technologies
• Keeping Step with the Evolving Ethical-Legal Environment
• Ensuring Sustainability in the Face of Global Crises
Date/Time/Room: Thursday, May 17, 2010, 4:30 pm-6.30 pm<br/>
[[File:Large SANBI Logo new.jpg|center|350px]]
Session Title: Biobanking Informatics: Making the Right Connections<br/>
Presentation Title: DNA Bank Network: Information Architecture for a Global Network of Biodiversity DNA and Tissue Banks<br/>
Presenter: Gabriele Droege
=19.-21. April 2012 - Conference "The role of biobanks for research and protection of forest biodiversity" in Viterbo, Italy=
==October 16 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference Program Available Now==
A scientist of the DNA Bank Network will give an overview about our project and its global outreach. The [http://www.medna-bank.eu/index.php/events/36-confviterbo Conference] will highlight cutting-edge advances in all major disciplines of forest genetic resources.
Presentation Title: DNA Bank Network: Information Architecture for a Global Network of Biodiversity DNA and Tissue Banks<br/>
The 2023 GGBN International Conference program is now available to view [https://ggbn2023.weebly.com/conference-program.html here]! Click to see presentation details, recommendations to do during your stay in Aguascalientes (if in person) and more.
Presenter: Gabriele Droege
=27.-29. February 2012 - Workshop on genomic data standards=
==September 7 2023 Hybrid Registration for 2023 GGBN International Conference Available Now==
GBIF is organizing a workshop, in collaboration with the Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC), on specieslevel biodiversity and genomic data standards with the aim of ensuring alignment and harmonization of efforts. The workshop will contribute to the ongoing
work of the USA National Science Foundation-funded [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3035207/ Research Coordination Network], which seeks to promote the integration of genomic standards with ecological and species level standards. The GSC is an international community that promotes mechanisms for standardizing descriptions of genomes and especially the contextual information (e.g. environmental variables) associated with genomic samples. One goal of the workshop is to align ABCDDNA, DarwinCore and MIxS, a delegate (G.Droege) of the DNA Bank Network will attend.
=25 February 2012 - Software workshop at GfBS conference in Bonn, Germany=
The 2023 GGBN International Conference will now be hybrid for those who want to join via Zoom! Virtual participants can register for $50 on [https://www.etix.com/ticket/c/417BD8523BDDF67177ECE60A52B3A32E/hybrid-participation Etix]. There is also still time to register for those who want to attend the conference in person! Click [https://ggbn2023.weebly.com/registration--abstract-submission.html HERE] to register.
The Workshop will take place at the ZFMK in Bonn at 25 Februar 2012 during the [http://zfmk.de/web/Forschung/Tagungen/2012/201202_GfBS/index.de.html GfBS conference].
The Workshop will give an overview about the technical infrastructure of BioCASE, GBIF and the DNA Bank Network. Furthermore the workshop will propose best practice guidelines for referencing voucher specimens, DNA samples and GenBank accessions. The open source software DNA Module is an easy way of managing your DNA collection and referencing DNA samples with any GBIF compliant database worldwide. Attendees can try out the DNA Module and the web portal. In preparation of this workshop attendees are called upon to check if their own institutions are providing specimen data to GBIF already, and if data on DNA voucher specimens are being made available via GBIF.
Please bring your own laptop if possible.
'''Deadline for registration 31.12.2011!'''
==August 11 2023 NEON Biorepository, Arizona State University joins GGBN==
[http://www.gbif.de/DNA-Bank-Netzwerk/GfBS-Workshop Deutsche news-Meldung auf GBIF.de]
We are pleased to announce the [https://biorepo.neonscience.org/portal/ NEON Biorepository, Arizona State University] has joined GGBN. Located in Tempe, Arizona, the NEON Biorepository has 31,358 DNA samples, 43,814 tissue samples, and 104,564 environmental samples.
=16-19 November 2011 – ESBB Inaugural Conference – Marseilles, France=
The European, Middle-Eastern and African Society for Biopreservation and Biobanking (ESBB) will realize its [http://www.esbb.org/nov2011/index.html ESBB Inaugural Meeting] in Marseille  16–19 Nov 2011 under participation of a DNA Bank Network scientist.
Under the Conference theme: “Identifying the challenges and the opportunities for biorepositories today and in the next 5 years” a wide range of topics will be covered:
• Next steps in biobank networking and harmonisation
==August 07 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference: Abstract Submissions and General Registration Close August 31st==
• Integrating research biobanking with the provision of healthcare services
We are still accepting abstracts for the upcoming GGBN International Conference on Biodiversity Biobanking, taking place 17-20 October 2023 in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Please see the latest conference announcement attached for session details.
The need for environmental specimen banking
Important deadlines:
General registration closes August 31st, late registration is open from September 1-October 1. 
The last day to submit your abstracts is August 31st.
• Challenges and opportunities in the provision of biospecimens for clinical trials
Please submit your abstracts and complete registration [https://ggbn2023.weebly.com/registration--abstract-submission.html HERE]
• Networking of veterinary biobanks
• Scientific and technological advances that are helping to measure and to maximise sample quality
=News Archive=
• Biobanking economics: how to justify and maintain long-term funding
Older news can be found in the GGBN [[News Archive]].
• Museum biobanking in Europe
[[category: Help]]
[[category: News]]
• The ELSI of biobanking in times of personalised medicine and systems biology
The DNA Bank Network will present a project poster.
Presentation details:
<br/>Poster Title: ''The DNA Bank Network: banking the DNA of any organism - except humans''<br/>
Presenter: Jonas Astrin
=1-7 October, 2011 DNA Bank Network at the 18th Governing Board Meeting of GBIF in Buenos Aires, Argentina=
All partners of the DNA Bank Network are parts of GBIF nodes. The four German partners even heading subnodes in Germany. A delegate of the DNA Bank Network will present a poster of our project at the GBIF Governing Board Meeting. All posters shown there can be found [http://www.gbif.de/files/gbif_participants_GB18_posters_en_v1.pdf here]
=Sep 15, 2011 DNA Bank Network at the EuroMarine meeting in Bremen, Germany=
A scientist of the DNA Bank Network will give an overview about our project with focus on data architecture at the [http://gensc.org/gc_wiki/index.php/GSC_12#9:00_-_10:30_Satellite_Workshop:_EU_Project_EuroMarine.2C_WP4 EuroMarine Meeting]. This workshop is a satellite meeting of the Genomics Standards Consortium Meeting. Presentation details:
Conference: 27-30 September, 2011<br/>
Presentation Title: ''DNA Bank Network – open access to DNA data and samples worldwide by using GBIF technologies ''<br/>
Presenter: Gabriele Droege
=Sep 01, 2011 DNA Bank Network poster at Botanikertagung 2011 in Berlin, Germany=
A scientist of the DNA Bank Network will present a poster of our project at the [http://www.botanikertagung2011.de/ Botanikertagung 2011]. Presentation details:
Conference: 18-23 September, 2011<br/>
Presentation Title: ''DNA Bank Network – Open access to DNA samples, reference vouchers and related data for biodiversity research''<br/>
Presenter: Holger Zetzsche
=Aug 20, 2011 DNA Bank Network poster at YouMaReS in Bremerhaven, Germany=
An associated scientist of the DNA Bank Network will present a poster of our project at the [http://www.youmares.net YouMaReS]. Presentation details:
Conference: 07-09 September, 2011<br/>
Presentation Title: ''DNA Bank Network – open access to DNA data and samples worldwide by using GBIF technologies''<br/>
Presenter: Maren Gleisberg (GBIF.DE team)
=Jun 30, 2011 DNA Bank Network at the 8th biennial conference of the Systematics Association in Belfast, United Kingdom=
A Scientist of the DNA Bank Network will give an overview about the project at the [http://www.systass.org/biennial2011/ Conference of the Systematics Association] in Belfast with special focus on data mobilisation as well as voucher and sample deposition. Presentation details:
Conference: 04-08 July, 2011<br/>
Session Title: Museum specimens and acient DNA<br/>
Presentation Title: ''DNA Bank Network - A platform for open access to voucher referenced DNA samples and data worldwide.''<br/>
Presenter: Gabriele Droege
=May 14, 2011 Amorphophallus titanum flowering again at the Botanic Garden in Berlin=
This morning the flower of Titan arum has began to open. A plant from same origin population has flowered two years ago and has been collected for the DNA bank of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin ([http://www.dnabank-network.org/Query.php?sqlType=Detail&UnitID=DB%204216&CollCode=DNA%20Bank&InstCode=BGBM&UnitIDS=B%20GT%200003226&CollCodeS=Herbarium%20Berolinense&InstCodeS=BGBM DB 4216]).
'''2011-05-14 13:51:36'''
A webcam has been installed and can be found [http://www.bgbm.org/bgbm/pr/zurzeit/papers/webcam.htm here]. Find out all available Amorphophallus samples in the DNA Bank Network: [http://www.dnabank-network.org/Query.php?genus=Amorphophallus Amorphophallus]
=May 09, 2011 North Korean DNA plant samples available=
As of now, the DNA Bank Network enables access to 384 DNA samples and georeferenced specimens including digital images from vascular plant specimens collected in North Korea for scientific analyses.
The BGBM DNA Bank owes that collection mainly to a donation by Dr. Mark B.M. Suh (Pugwash Council). It was complemented by an expedition to the Mt. Chilbo region under participation of Dr. Birgit Gemeinholzer, Dr. Regine Jahn and Dr. Jo Yong Gil.
Voucher specimens of these rare samples are safeguarded at the Herbarium Berolinense.
=Apr 27, 2011 DNA Bank Network at the 22nd Pacific Science Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia=
A Scientist of the DNA Bank Network will give an overview about the project at the [http://www.22ndpsc.net/ Pacific Science Congress] in Kuala Lumpur with special focus on the potential of this data architecture for science regarding the pacific region. Presentation details:
Conference: 14-18 June, 2011<br/>
Session Title: Biological Collections in the Pacific: Developing critical infrastructure for research and applications<br/>
Presentation Title : ''DNA Bank Network - Information infrastructure for an international DNA and Tissue Bank Network.''<br/>
Presenter: Gabriele Droege
=Apr 14, 2011 White Paper has been published=
The DNA Bank Network has recently published a White Paper at ''Biopreservation and Biobanking''. The authors describe the general aims of the network, the established infrastructure of the partner DNA banks and the principles of the information technology implemented. Various benefits for its users and partners are highlighted and the prerequisites for collaboration are outlined.
Gemeinholzer, B., Dröge, G., Zetzsche, H., Haszprunar, G., Klenk, H.-P., Güntsch, A., Berendsohn, W.G. & Wägele, J.-W. (2011): The DNA Bank Network: the start from a German initiative. ''Biopreservation and Biobanking''. April 2011, 9 (1): 51-55. [http://www.liebertonline.com/doi/abs/10.1089/bio.2010.0029 Abstract]
=Jan 12, 2011 DNA Bank Network to present at the BioSystematics in Berlin, Germany=
Scientists of the DNA Bank Network will give an overview about the project at the [http://www.biosyst-berlin-2011.de/ BioSystematics] in Berlin and furthermore organise a Software Bazar for relevant software tools (click [http://www.biosyst-berlin-2011.de/Dr%C3%B6ge%20-%20SOFTWARE%20BAZAR.pdf here] for synopsis). Presentation details:
Date/Time/Room: Thursday, February 24, 2011, 8:30 am - 10.30 am, Seminaris<br/>
Session Title: Inventorying and Managing Biodiversity<br/>
Presentation Title : DNA Bank Network - Access to voucher referenced DNA for biodiversity genomics.<br/>
Presenter: Holger Zetzsche
Date/Time/Room: Thursday, February 24, 2011, 8:30 am - 5 pm, Seminaris<br/>
Session Title: Software Bazar - Tools for systematists - Manage and share your data<br/>
Presentation Title : The DNA Bank Network - A service to facilitate open access to DNA samples and voucher data worldwide<br/>
Presenter: Gabriele Droege, Holger Zetzsche
=Nov 29, 2010 New publication outlines field techniques to preserve tissue and specimen quality=
An [http://www.abctaxa.be/ Abc Taxa] publication on preservation techniques in the field for different tissue types and organisms has been released recently. Currently used field tissue storage methods and their efficiency are evaluated. Furthermore, recommendations are given on how to set up a collection plan and sampling strategy, checklists of documentation essentials and equipment for collection trips are appended.
The publication is available [http://www.abctaxa.be/volumes/volume-8-manual-atbi/volumes/volume-8-manual-atbi/chapter-7 here].
'''Gemeinholzer, B., Rey, I., Weising, K., Grundmann, M., Muellner, A.N., Zetzsche, H., Droege, G., Seberg, O., Petersen, G., Rawson, D.M., Weigt, L.A.''' (2010): Organizing specimen and tissue preservation in the field for subsequent molecular analyses. ''IN: ABC-Taxa, Volume 8 - Manual on Field Recording Techniques and Protocols for All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories, Chapter 7, 129-157.''
=Nov 08, 2010 DNA Bank Network at the International Conference for Environmental Specimen Banks=
Scientists of the BGBM DNA Bank, member of the DNA Bank Network, are invited to join the [http://www.amiando.com/esb.html?page=420812 International Conference for Environmental Specimen Banks] in Berlin hosted by Federal Environment Agency Germany on November 15-16, 2010. The conference aims to bring together biobanking experts and policy makers to address critical questions of environmental and human biomonitoring, analytical chemistry and nature protection.
Presentation details:
Date & Time: Monday & Tuesday November 15 & 16, 2010, 10:30 - 18:00 pm, poster presentation.<br/>
Poster Title: The DNA Bank Network - A shared portal for organismic DNA and tissue banks.<br/>
Presenters: Gabriele Droege & Holger Zetzsche
=Sep 15, 2010 DNA Bank Network to attend the congress "Tools for Identifying Biodiversity: Progress and Problems" in Paris, France=
Representatives of the DNA Bank Network will present an overview of the DNA Bank Network at the congress "[http://www.bioidentify.eu/ Tools for Identifying Biodiversity: Progress and Problems]" taking place at the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle in Paris, France from September 20 - 22, 2010.
Presentation details:
Date & Time: Tuesday & Wednesday September 21 & 22, 2010, 13:30 - 15:00 pm, poster presentation nr. 36.<br/>
Poster Title: ''DNA Bank Network - connecting biological collections and sequence databases by means of long-term DNA storage with online accession.''<br/>
Presenters: Matthias Geiger & Nicolas Straube
=May 20, 2010 DNA Bank Network to present at the SPNHC & CBA-ABC Joint Conference in Ottawa, Canada=
Scientists of the DNA Bank Network will introduce their project and webportal at this years [http://www.spnhc-cba2010.org/ SPNHC conference - Biodiversity 2010 and Beyond - Science and Collections]. taking place at the University of Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) from May 31 - June 5, 2010.
Presentation details:
Date/Time/Room: Thursday June 3, 2010, 9:20 - 9:40 am, Desmarais, Room 1130<br/>
Session Title: SPNHC Digitizing Initiatives<br/>
Presentation Title: ''DNA Bank Network - Referencing DNA with specimens, sequences and publications based on GBIF web services''<br/>
Presenters: Holger Zetzsche & Gabriele Droege
=May 20, 2010 Species inventory at the GEO Day of Biodiversity 2010=
Botanists of the [http://www.botanischer-verein-brandenburg.de/ Botanischer Verein von Berlin und Brandenburg], the DNA Bank Network, and the [http://www.bgbm.org/ Botanic Garden and the Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem] will go on a field excursion around Kerkwitz (Niederlausitz) contributing to this years GEO Day of Biodiversity ([http://www.geo-artenvielfalt.de/aktionen/2010/Arteninventur_als_Zeitzeugnis_im_Tagebauerwartungsland go to site]). As a proposed open-pit brown coal mining region the lake-dotted landscape rich in woodland is severely endangered. Objective of the tour is the collection of witnessing voucher specimens and tissue samples for DNA extraction next to a species inventory.
At this year's GEO Day of Biodiversity 248 events in more than 8 countries will take place on June 12. In Germany, GEO Day of Biodiversity has for years been the largest field research campaign. During the GEO Day activities, species long since believed lost are frequently rediscovered. It is therefore an important contribution to efforts to document and conserve our flora and fauna. [http://www.geo-artenvielfalt.de/ Find out more...]
=May 18, 2010 More than 4400 publications related to DNA samples and DNA vouchers searchable=
Referencing a DNA sample to its specimen as well as to inferred DNA sequences and vice versa is one main focus of the DNA Bank Network. Publications related to DNA samples and their vouchers preserved by the partners of the DNA Bank Network are an additional valuable source. The DSMZ records each publication related to their strains centrally. This precious and very useful repository is now implemented into the Network's web portal, together with relevant publications of the other partners. Links to online versions of abstracts are included. Further publications will be added continuously. [http://www.dnabank-network.org/Citations.php Go to site]
=May 03, 2010 9000 further vertebrate DNA voucher samples: complete Bavarian ichthyofauna available now!=
In December 2003 the Bavarian State Collection of Zoology Munich (ZSM) and the Landesfischereiverband Bayern (LfB) initiated a large scale collection program, in order to cover the diversity of Bavarian freshwater fishes. The primary goal of the program was to collect, identify and deposit morphological and genetic voucher specimens of the approximately 100 naturally occurring fish species in all major and many minor drainages in Bavaria and adjacent regions.
Now about 9000 DNA voucher samples covering almost 100% of the Bavarian fish fauna are available on demand.
=Apr 14, 2010 Contribution at ISBER 2010 Annual Meeting in Rotterdam, Netherlands=
A scientist of the DNA Bank Network has been selected to present at the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) 2010 Annual Meeting & Exhibits, May 11-14, 2010 in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Presentation details:
Date/Time/Room: Thursday, May 13, 2010, 5:10 pm-5.30 pm, Fortis Bank Zaal<br/>
Session Title: Challenges and Solutions in Biobanking Technology and Information<br/>
Presentation Title: The DNA Bank Network - A shared portal for non-human biorepositories, providing live references to DNA and specimen data (abstract number NIN 05)<br/>
Presenter: Holger Zetzsche
=Mar 22, 2010 Presentation at the International Symposium for Planning the Baekdudaegan Arboretum in Seoul, Korea=
The DNA Bank Network will be represented by an invited speaker at the Planning Symposium for the Baekdudaegan Arboretum held on 29th March to1st April, 2010 at COEX in Seoulin (Seoul, South Korea)
Presentation details:
Date: Wednesday, March 31 2010
Zetzsche, H., Droege, G., Zippel, E. & Gemeinholzer, B. - Collections management at the Botanical Museum and Botanic Garden Berlin-Dahlem (BGBM) - the DNA Bank as a driver for data and knowledge integration.
=Nov 16, 2009 12000 further procaryote samples available for on-demand DNA extractions=
More than 12000 samples of microorganisms and cell cultures from almost 4400 species are per today additionally available for on-demand DNA extractions. Therewith the entire specimen database of the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ) is now searchable via the DNA Bank Network's webportal.
=Nov 2, 2009 DNA Bank Network to present at the 3rd International Barcode of Life Conference 2009=
Participants of the DNA Bank Network will be presenting at the [http://www.dnabarcodes2009.org/ Third International Barcode of Life Conference] in Mexico City, 7-12 November 2009.
The following are specific presentation details at the conference:
Date: Sunday, November 8, 2009<br/>
Zetzsche, H. & Gemeinholzer, B. Long-term storage of tissue and DNA for plant DNA barcoding
Date: Wednesday, November 11 2009<br/>
Knebelsberger, T. Beyond barcoding - Secure DNA storage
Date: Wednesday, November 11 2009<br/>
Raupach, M. Molecular taxonomy of ground beetles (Insecta: Carabidae) in Central Europe: a multi-marker approach
=Sep 30, 2009 Significant mark of 10.000 DNA samples surpassed=
Today the significant mark of 10.000 fully documented DNA samples has been surpassed. Thereby, DNA samples of more than 6000 species from 156 different countries are available via the webportal. After launching its searchable database in April 2009 the partners of the DNA Bank Network continuously proceeded in their efforts to deposit DNA samples physically and informatically linked to their respective specimens.
=Aug 17, 2009 Workshop about long-term storage of DNA samples held in Leiden=
A workshop about institutional and technical strategies for long-term storage of nonhuman DNA samples has been held at the Systematics 2009 conference in Leiden, Netherlands on August 12th. The organizers thank all participants for their valuable contributions and the conference board for their help.
[http://www.dnabank-network.org/publications/Workshop_Long-term_DNA_storage-Summary_and_Abstracts.pdf Download summary and abstracts].

Latest revision as of 16:41, 5 September 2024

September 5 2024 Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales joins GGBN!

We are pleased to announce Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN) has joined GGBN! Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales is located in Madrid, Spain.

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April 30 2024 GGBN and ERGA Webinar Series on Science Policy for Biodiversity Research on Youtube

Both parts of the GGBN, the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) and the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP) series focused on ABS - Nagoya Protocol and DSI are now uploaded on YouTube! Check it out here!


March 25 2024 GGBN and ERGA Hosts a Webinar Series on Science Policy for Biodiversity Research

We're happy to announce that GGBN and European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) with the support of Digital Sequence Information (DSI) network are organizing a two-part webinar series focused on ABS (Access and Benefit Sharing), the Nagoya Protocol and DSI this April. Join us by filling the registration form here! Spots are limited.

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February 1 2024 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences joins GGBN!

We are pleased to announce the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) has joined GGBN! Located in Brussels, Belgium, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences has 6,000 DNA samples, 6,500 tissue samples, and 38,000 specimens in their collections.

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January 4 2024 2023 SYNTHESYS Biobanking Handbooks are Now Available!

The fourth (and last) publication of the GGBN-led SYNTHESYS+ work package NA3: "Molecular collections in the age of genomics – standards & processes" has been released! They are now posted to the GGBN Document Library. Click here to take a look!


January 4 2024 2023 GGBN Report Now Available!

We are excited to announce that the GGBN December 2023 Report is now available! This report highlights GGBN contributions, conferences, online discoverability and more from the past year. Head to the GGBN Document Library to take a look!

December 7 2023 Tissue Samples Made Discoverable Through GGBN

We are excited to announce the organizations who provided data for the first time in 2023: CMN, Ottawa, Canadian Museum of Nature, INRAE, Paris, National Institute of Research for Agriculture, Food and Environment, HNT, San Marino, The Huntington, and UNAL, Bogota, Universidad Nacional de Colombia / National University of Colombia.

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December 6 2023 National Herbarium of Rwanda, University of Rwanda joins GGBN

We are happy to announce that the National Herbarium of Rwanda[1] at the University of Rwanda has joined GGBN. Collections include 50 eDNA and 20,000+ tissue samples representing plants, terrestrial invertebrates, and vertebrates. Samples are managed with Symbiota and Excel.

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The GGBN 2023 International Conference Presentations are Available to Watch on YouTube

The 2023 GGBN International Conference presentations are now available to watch on our YouTube page here! Check out some of the amazing talks from the conference!


November 06 2023 GGBN 2023 GGBN Announces 2025 Conference Host

We are happy to announce the South African National Biodiversity Institute and Biodiversity Biobanks South Africa as the host for the 2025 GGBN Conference in Cape Town, South Africa! Learn more about the institute here

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October 16 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference Program Available Now

The 2023 GGBN International Conference program is now available to view here! Click to see presentation details, recommendations to do during your stay in Aguascalientes (if in person) and more.

September 7 2023 Hybrid Registration for 2023 GGBN International Conference Available Now

The 2023 GGBN International Conference will now be hybrid for those who want to join via Zoom! Virtual participants can register for $50 on Etix. There is also still time to register for those who want to attend the conference in person! Click HERE to register.

August 11 2023 NEON Biorepository, Arizona State University joins GGBN

We are pleased to announce the NEON Biorepository, Arizona State University has joined GGBN. Located in Tempe, Arizona, the NEON Biorepository has 31,358 DNA samples, 43,814 tissue samples, and 104,564 environmental samples.


August 07 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference: Abstract Submissions and General Registration Close August 31st

We are still accepting abstracts for the upcoming GGBN International Conference on Biodiversity Biobanking, taking place 17-20 October 2023 in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Please see the latest conference announcement attached for session details.

Important deadlines: General registration closes August 31st, late registration is open from September 1-October 1. The last day to submit your abstracts is August 31st.

Please submit your abstracts and complete registration HERE


News Archive

Older news can be found in the GGBN News Archive.