
From BioCASe Provider Software
Revision as of 10:53, 1 October 2018 by JoergHoletschek (talk | contribs)
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This page lists the mandatory and most commonly used ABCD 2.06 concepts. For examples on the differenct concepts and their short explanations see ABCD2Concepts.

The full ABCD documentation can be found in the ABCD Wiki, a tabular list of ABCD concepts here.


List of mandatory concepts. Without them being mapped, the Provider Software will not be able to create valid ABCD document:

 └─ DataSet
     ├─ ContentContacts
     │   └─ ContentContact
     │       └─ Name
     ├─ TechnicalContacts
     │   └─ TechnicalContact
     │       └─ Name
     ├─ Metadata
     │   ├─ Description
     │   │   └─ Representation
     │   │       ├─ @language
     │   │       └─ Title
     │   └─ RevisionData
     │       └─ DateModified
     └─ Units
         └─ Unit
             ├─ SourceInstitutionID 
             ├─ SourceID  
             └─ UnitID

Highly Recommended

List of recommended ABCD concepts. If you can provide this data, please do so, they're commonly used entry points to your data.

Note: If you publish your data to GBIF, you are required to specify a license in the License node with the language attribute and the elements Text and URI. The latter should contain a link to a well-defined license, for example More details on GBIF licensing can be found here.

 └─ DataSet
     ├─ ContentContacts
     │   └─ ContentContact
     │       ├─ Email
     │       └─ Address
     ├─ TechnicalContacts
     │   └─ TechnicalContact
     │       ├─ Email
     │       └─ Address
     ├─ Metadata
     │   ├─ Description
     │   │   └─ Representation
     │   │       └─ Details
     │   ├─ Owners
     │   │   └─ Owner
     │   │       ├─ LogoURI
     │   │       ├─ URIs
     │   │       │   └─ URL
     │   │       ├─ Person
     │   │       │   └─ FullName
     │   │       └─ Organisation
     │   │           └─ Name
     │   │               └─ Representation
     │   │                   └─ Text
     │   └─ IPRStatements
     │       └─ Licenses
     │           └─ License
     │               ├─ @language
     │               ├─ Text
     │               └─ URI 
     └─ Units
         └─ Unit
             ├─ Identifications
             │   └─ Identification
             │       └─ Result
             │           ├─ @PreferredFlag
             │           ├─ TaxonIdentified
             │           │   └─ ScientificName
             │           │       └─ FullScientificNameString
             │           └─ HigherTaxa
             │               └─ HigherTaxon
             │                   ├─ HigherTaxonName
             │                   └─ HigherTaxonRank
             ├─ RecordBasis
             └─ Gathering
                 ├─ DateTime
                 │   └─ ISODateTimeBegin
                 ├─ Agents
                 │   └─ GatheringAgent
                 │       └─ Person
                 │           └─ FullName
                 ├─ LocalityText
                 ├─ Country
                 │   ├─ ISO3166Code
                 │   └─ Name
                 └─ SiteCoordinateSets
                     └─ SiteCoordinates
                         └─ CoordinatesLatLong
                             ├─ LongitudeDecimal
                             ├─ LatitudeDecimal 
                             └─ CoordinateErrorDistanceInMeters 

Commonly Used

List of further commonly mapped ABCD concepts.

 └─ DataSet
     ├─ Metadata
     │   └─ IPRStatements
     │       ├─ TermsOfUseStatements
     │       │   └─ TermsOfUse
     │       │       └─ Text
     │       ├─ Copyrights
     │       │   └─ Copyright
     │       │       └─ Text
     │       ├─ IPRDeclarations
     │       │   └─ IPRDeclaration
     │       │       └─ Text
     │       ├─ Licenses
     │       │   └─ License
     │       │       └─ Text
     │       ├─ Disclaimers
     │       │   └─ Disclaimer
     │       │       └─ Text
     │       ├─ Citations
     │       │   └─ Citation
     │       │       └─ Text
     │       └─ Acknowledgements
     │           └─ Acknowledgement
     │               └─ Text
     └─ Units
         └─ Unit
             ├─ DateLastEdited
             ├─ Identifications
             │   └─ Identification
             │       ├─ Date
             │       │   └─ ISODateTimeBegin
             │       └─ Identifiers
             │           └─ Identifier
             │               └─ IdentifierPersonName
             │                    └─ FullName
             ├─ KindOfUnit
             ├─ CollectorsFieldNumber
             ├─ Sex 
             ├─ Age 
             ├─ Notes 
             ├─ RecordURI
             ├─ MultiMediaObjects
             │   └─ MultiMediaObject
             │       ├─ FileURI 
             │       ├─ Comment
             │       └─ Context
             ├─ SpecimenUnit
             │   └─ NomenclaturalTypeDesignations
             │       └─ NomenclaturalTypeDesignation
             │           ├─ TypeStatus
             │           ├─ TypifiedName
             │           │   └─ FullScientificNameString
             │           └─ NomenclaturalReference
             │               ├─ TitleCitation
             │               └─ CitationDetail
             └─ Gathering
                 ├─ Project
                 │   └─ ProjectTitle
                 ├─ Biotope
                 │   └─ Name
                 ├─ Altitude
                 │   └─ MeasurementOrFactAtomised
                 │       ├─ LowerValue 
                 │       └─ UnitOfMeasurement 
                 ├─ Depth
                 │   └─ MeasurementOrFactAtomised
                 │       ├─ LowerValue 
                 │       └─ UnitOfMeasurement 
                 └─ NamedAreas
                     └─ NamedArea
                         ├─ AreaName 
                         └─ AreaClass